Proof that WoW is the "real world"

Fantasy is simply an abstraction of reality.

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Touch grass.


What is real?

:dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain:


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This is fascinating but at the same time…

Yeah Idk what the hell I just read.

Good day, forums.

So like, where is the proof?

Honestly, wow universe is a reflection of the reality we create has for it being in reality you are so right Op. They are relative . If for example we pick up something in Azeroth like a flower it would have to be recognized as a flower even though it may not be in wow universe,yet that’s how you view it to be. That is only one example.

if the many-worlds theory is true, there might well be a universe where the OP is 100% correct about everything. if that’s the case, we have about a 0% chance of living in it


Sounds like a blue pill, red pill sort of thing.

there is always a non zero % chance that anything happening except men getting pregnant of course

You’ve already trivialized and contradicted yourself twice. WoW is a series of multiverses, “shards” if you will of one greater reality, all built on top of the base reality. All universes are stitched together at the level of quantum mechanics. When you “log in” you’re simply observing the spin of neutrinos as they move you from one universe to the other.

I hope this really clears everything up for you. If it doesn’t, I also have an assistant professor space goat that I can bring out to explain it to you using simple beets and bahs.

What he’s basically saying is bah baahhh bahhhh bah bahhhhh bah bah bah blet.

I love those guys and their pizza rolls.

Well, let’s say there’s a reality.
And eventually that reality makes a jupiter brain that can simulate 999 different virtual realities.

In this hypothetical universe your odds of being in a virtual reality are 999 to one.

Of course OUR reality is certainly the real reality.
(But of course that’s just what I’d say if this was one of the virtual realities)

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Every WoW player knows 999 to 1 are great odds

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Would not of expected to find pseudoscience on a WoW forum but here we are…

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Yes, and it’s really 999 to 30 because of your alt army.

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