Prompt: You arrive at a village

This is just a little idea I had I thought you guys might like.

After several hours of walking you have arrived at a village under siege by gnolls. While you where the only available adventurer that could make it within the day you are t sure if you can hold the monsters back long enough for others to arrive but you have to try at least. But as you creat the final hill you see something strange, at the gates of the town there are literal piles of gnoll corpses scattered around and standing at the gates is a band of adventurers from the opposite faction. A strange sight to see so deep in your faction’s territory. It seems they have been fighting off the gnolls for a while now.

What do you do WRA? Do you help your faction’s enemies or do you do something else?


For Shay, that really depends on one thing.

Is she currently working for an order in which there is a chain of command, and she is not at the top of it? If so, she would do what was ordered of her, whether she agreed with the decision or not, because she’s loyal to a fault. I do mean fault too, she has a lot of regret about some of her past for this reason, which is one of the reasons she ended up starting her own company and usually works alone if possible.

If she’s not under someone else’s command, she would then have to think about whether her actions would effect anyone else. (Friends, employees, I’m assuming there’s a group of other adventurers still alive but far behind her.)

If it came down to the decision only effecting her, she would approach with caution. From a distance she’d take in the situation, gauging whether or not she could safely reveal herself to the opposite faction’s party. She would want to go in and offer her aide to them if possible, be it with field medic supplies or even just cooking them a meal to show thanks for helping the village.

(Thanks for the prompt, it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to do one and it was fun!)

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Befriend the Gnolls.
Gnolls are best race.
Please, playable Gnolls. Preff set up like Pandaren where they can be hired as fodder by either side.


Patiently wait over the course of the battle as the two whittle away each other’s forces, covertly attacking where necessary to keep the battle relatively even. When it became clear that both forces could be weakened no further, I would swoop in and stop both the besieging gnolls and the Horde troops that were attacking the gnolls so they could besiege the city instead.

In Alynsa’s mind, obvious trap is obvious. And she likely knows the terrain far better than they do. She waits and observes, looking for clues as to the ultimate objective of the Alliance forces. If fellow members of the Horde approach, she will try to pass along the situation report to them. If possible, she will infiltrate the village and question a civilian about the situation.

From there, it depends on a lot of factors; which group controls the area, do the Alliance appear genuinely helping, how have the locals been treated, are any of the Alliance members a high value target that she is aware of, how close to contested lands are we, are the Horde and Alliance in a state of active conflict, and are there night elves present.

Juspion would go rushing into the conflict and without second thought deploy his latest crystal weapon which would inflict terrible losses to everyone, the gnolls, the Horde, the village.

Ha Ha! I have stopped the gnolls!

But everyone is dead, turned into crystallized husks with their souls ripped away and sent to the crystal mirror dimension.

But I stopped the gnolls!!


Mogo kill everything that not Mogo. Mogo loot all then Mogo sell loot stuff on ah for gold.


Befriend the Gnolls.
Gnolls are best race.
Please, playable Gnolls. Preff set up like Pandaren where they can be hired as fodder by either side.

This guy got the right idea. I too like gnolls.


Taekah isn’t really heavily associated with either faction, past the large amount of Vulpera that elected to join the Horde. She’s essentially neutral. That being said, if she came across a group of Alliance protecting a Horde settlement from gnolls, she’d immediately be wary. She hasn’t experienced a great deal of friendliness between the two factions.

Despite that, she’d likely elect to help. The Gnolls are one problem - if the settlement, or the Horde, wants to repel the Alliance afterwards that’s… not really her thing. She didn’t reject joining the Alliance navy at the war’s start to get involved with the Horde’s military now, unless things get seriously out of order and something needs to be done.

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I slip into the village and find the village leader, implying very heavily but never actually stating that I am actually in charge of a multifaction mercenary force that is out front taking care of their gnoll problem. I then suggest that the current situation can continue for, a price.

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Richard Parker is no stranger to helping the opposite faction so if they were to come in kind deep in enemy territory he’d immediately jump into the fray to help them out. What happens after the gnolls are defeated remains to be decided but hopefully they could remain on friendly side of things. After all, they are helping the town.

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Rae would change the setting on her illusion device to a faction-appropriate face then jump in to help. Just a random scribe who got lost picking flowers…yeah, that’s it. nod nod

Chat them up in-between gnoll attack waves, see why they’re at the gates of the village. Are they there to help defend the village? Were they meaning to attack the village but found themselves in the middle of a gnoll raid? Either way, for now they are a help to the village and hence useful.

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Begin a subtle terror campaign to kill-
I mean recruit their closest friends and family to kill them.

Jian sat, cloaked in the shadows of the tree and chewing absently on a pastry as he watched the Alliance standing their ground against the gnolls. While gnolls were not common here, Alliance were less so. He eyed the group individually, sizing them up.

There was a large Kul Tiran in plate with a shield, taking the gnoll’s focus. A gnome dressed in robes threw felfire with almost reckless abandon, yet somehow avoiding the pandaren monk and draenei paladin with his huge hammer. A worgen stood behind them, throwing out spells to keep them standing where needed.

Jian sighed. With his sweet roll gone, he decided to make a move. From his position, he drew an arrow and fit it to his bow before drawing the unit to its absolute limit. He adjusted carefully for the wind and positioning before letting his shot fly. The arrow landed straight down into the largest gnoll’s skull, staggering it and allowing the Alliance forces to take the pack leader down. This demoralized the rest of the gnolls, who now either fled or started arguing about who was the leader now.

His work done, Jian sat back in his spot and picked up another sweet roll. With the main offense down with (and his presence vaguely revealed), he was curious to see what the Alliance’s plan was here. If it was peaceful, they’d receive more of his long distance aid.

If their intentions were ill…well, the beauty of his arrows was his choice of targets.