Proficient way to AV mount

My mistake, I’ll make sure not to share information people may have missed out on next time. :slight_smile:

The wolf/ram taming method was shared in numerous posts yesterday. Many, many more people are doing it now. Once 25 are turned in, the quest goes away. I guess it’s efficient if you’re alliance with the sub-60 second queue times after twiddling your thumbs from deserter and hoping you don’t get pulled into an in progress AV that already has the wolf/rams completed.

I started at 15% progress today and I’m now at 62%.

It’s really not as bad as people are making it out to be. Suck it up and do the turn in quests. The only thing that’s annoying is not getting fresh runs and you’re out of luck for ram quest.

edit- 67% now. Everyone has caught on to rams, only got 2 this run


Some people actually want to play the game OP.

They never should’ve tied the mount to the quests and made progression a win/loss dependency. All this grinding BS is doing is killing it for people who are actually trying to play the BG having to put up with people doing nothing but running around in circles contributing jack all to the game.

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To be fair, that’s a lot of what old AV was. You’d always have a group of people running around doing the turn ins that didn’t involve PvP, so you could have those advantages on the field. Many of the sub-60s would spend most of a game doing that until you just couldn’t turn anything else in, at least until some things respawned for new turn ins. There was a balance to it though, and this version lacks that balance.

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That’s what I meant and thank you for specifying.

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What’s your point? OP isn’t saying to not play the game, but if you just want the mount and that’s all you care about then you’re best doing what he said to get it ASAP.

I guess I have no idea what mount you guys are talking about. Is there another mount for the holiday besides the Worldbreaker one?

Do you get both the ram and the wolf or do we have to do it on both factions?

You know, the bad part about OP’s method, which I am also guilty of, is the fact that when we’re all constantly leaving games in progress because they aren’t new we just constantly screw over the next guy in line who queues into it.

Hopefully Blizzard does something about this.

Yes, there are two new high resolution versions of the old AV mounts, the wolf and ram.


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I got 51% of that done in a single sitting yesterday thanks to the Rams. Today, too many people are out farming rams, only got 2 turn ins so far before she stops accepting them.

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I am glad I realized there was a pvp mount available before lots of people did. I had to do 5 matches to get mine.

1st match I thought you just have to win once to get it… didn’t get much progress 14%
2nd match I fought through some swearing to try and just get it done with mine supplies (Don’t do this its not worth the time!) 22%
3rd match I realized the wolf turn ins were best, thought you had to KILL the wolves for their leather… only got 4-5 turn ins because of the misunderstanding 36%
4th match I had NOBODY to compete with and ran my little panda legs off doing repeated turn ins, what a boring but great leap forward! 86%
5th match I just barely made it, the wolf turn ins dried up at 96% and the match was near over so I went and got armor scraps and claimed a mine for the quest credit… BOOM WOLFY TIME :heartpulse::wolf::heartpulse:

The match ended as soon as I did the turn in so I thought I didn’t get the wolf… it never showed that it just popped into my bags so I was expecting a mail or something to give it to me. Happy i didn’t break it by my narrow victory.

I won all 5 BG’s but when I did it the victory points didn’t count… which was dumb but supposedly they fixed that. I can’t imagine how hard it is going to be to claim all the wolves now that everyone is wise to the trick. BY THE WAY turning in ram hides for horde is a waste of time, doesn’t grant any badges.

Ok im dumb and know next to nothing Bout OG Alterac, but what do you do to tame the beasts, im sitting at 27%.

She gives you a tame leash thing it is in your bags.

for alliance it is rams, can’t tell you where to go for it but for horde you go to the very south east corner of the map and there is an orc lady near a stable and she has a yellow ! you pick up the quest, she gives you a taming item, go click a ram/wolf and use the item and run back with it.

MAKE SURE you have the wolf/ram close to you when you turn it in or you will get stuck with the wolf/ram and be unable to tame another one so you’ll have to die to get rid of the stubborn follower.


i did 7 AV’s yesterday and got 20%. it was incredibly bad yesterday…

today isnt as bad, ive done 3 and am now up to 55%.

Just got my mount!

Farming rams as soon as you get in is the best way to go. Then I farmed in the mine. When horde started attacking our base/mine I afked out. And repeat

I just now earned my third achievement on my last unlinked account that I’m doing this on. The rams are not going so well now, soooooooooo…

I decided to try a new strategy, it works but it’s a little slower… okay okay, a lot slower than the rams were at first.

  • Play Alliance shaman or druid for speed increase while indoors. If you have to create a new character, remember that you can do this event at low levels.
  • Queue, pray for a fresh match, if it’s fresh match then do the ram strat and try to get as many as you can
  • Go run supplies in mines if there aren’t many doing it whether it’s a new match or not. If there are a lot of players doing mines then leave and find a new match so you aren’t competing with others as much for the supplies

I know it’s painful and annoying but I will point out that I found some success farming the armor scraps from the enemy. Fighting with people for the loot was awful, but when you can easily get several hundred per match if you’re ontop of it (and in a game where the alliance and horde are fighting equally) the only issue you have to worry about is the NPC for it being dead.