Professions now? or wait?

Hey guys,

So I got back into WoW and have played for many years, But professions is always something I completely ignored, I was wondering, Should I level my Shadowlands professions as im leveling, or collect all my mats as im leveling and level my professions at 60?

I don’t care much for selling my gear on the AH, at least not now, I hear you need professions to get legendaries. It seems fun for the little I have done done with Tailoring and enchanting, I didn’t some blacksmithing on another toon

anyway, thanks for the help, sorry for my grammar English is not my best

Welcome back, friend!

I think the choice is entirely up to you. However, if you level your professions along the way you may be able to make yourself some upgrades if your profession corresponds to your character. If you’re a tailor and a priest (for example) you could make yourself some cloth gear… or for enchanting you can enchant your leveling gear as you go along. It is all up to you!

For me, most of the time, I don’t level my crafting professions until I get to max level simply because I’m too busy leveling and questing that I forget! LOL

If you’re not worried about being the best crafter ever and/or selling things on the AH for premium prices - then there is no difference between leveling it as you go or leveling it once you’re max. Whichever works best for you - just have fun! :slight_smile:

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Awesome thanks