Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Warrior didnt either, Ret was ahead of warrior in Naxx lol

Warriors has 2 specs, 1 bad and 1 ultra bad

It does, TAJ, t10, and SMourne all give more dps to ret than any similar comparison to warrior. TAJ >>> DBW. t10 is better, and smourne gives like 300 more dps to ret.

Ret always was going to be great in iCC, it will be OP now

You should stop making up easily checked things.

Oh look, warriors ahead of ret!

Yeah, that’s why we end up in the same place… right? (According to sims)

All that overpowered scaling!

Your “great” definition for rets with a shadowmourne is under fury without a shadowmourne…

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I went to logs, looked at phase 1 one patchwerk, and saw ret ahead of both warrior specs by a good amount. Are you going to look at low parses on overall with a bunch of cleave? haha

ret is better than fury and way better than arms, and both protpal and holy paly are insane over prot warrior lol

Even on patchwerk top fury parses were higher than Ret’s by the end of the phase.

For the rest it was basically tied with arms with a slight single target advantage on the undead standstill boss while warrior cleave was better, which gave it a slight edge overall.

It’s hardly a glowing example of “rets were better.”

And rets weren’t keeping warrior representation down back then either. No reason to be mad at them in ICC for also being basically tied.

I just looked at it yesterday, this is false

ICC is all undead, T4 bonus, TAJ, and Smourne, + a 10% buff “exception” from blizzard makes Ret the #2 melee in ICC :rofl:

Uhh… might want to look again.

Retail ret may not be good but I’m having a blast with it casually.

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Im looking right at it, ret is ahead

That’s from a range over 2 weeks and it’s not the final weeks of the phase because the top parses I linked were from the final week of P1. January 14th for the top Fury and January 12th for the top Ret.

Fury =| 8,310.3 Jan 14
Ret = | 7,401.0 Jan 12

Roll back all changes.
Otherwise, prepare to buff all other classes.

Changes will get rolled back.

In Cata classic.

Roll back all changes, the developer are just destroying WLK.

Nah the devs are making the game to boost the classes they play

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Clearly, the devs are playing feral and ret.

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What makes me angry is this isnt retail. They are trying to re write the past and it’s perverting what the most anticipated patch of the most anticipated expansion was.

The only balance change they are making this patch is trap launcher, since the feral nerf is reverted.

The devs are completely ruining this game. just roll back all the stupid changes that they have done in the past year.

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I don’t mind 5 mans being harder but even then the free gear is insane. They are giving deaths choice away for free. Literally insane.

The only way that would be fair is if it was the equivalent to a +20 key.

And even then, I’d rather see non pivotal bis items on that list of gear.

Normal DV is weaker then 10m heroic fanged skull for a lot of people. probably giving it so they can have greatness not messing up everyones ilvl for how RDF has ilvl requirements.

No, not even close. If they did the initial change for bearweaving would of been different instead they saw an idea that a feral had on a video. They had it implimented into the game without realising how strong it was. Ferals again step forward and said make it a glyph. Now requiring a glyph slot it was a 140 dps nerf. Then they tried Naturalist then realising what it does to pvp and bears they reverted it.

This is evidence that they aren’t maining feral cats. I know Zirene does have all the classes as tanks, as far as I knew he never played cat.

Mained feral since the start of classic. Ferals have had to do some degen things to still be middle of the pack dps. Farming pummelers, along with melee consumes, and caster comsumes. Using a lvl 40 helm just to parse well while all the yellow/brown boys got the loot that we wanted. Continuing into TBC most yellows/brown rerolled, but at the end of the tbc in SW they were top of meters damage on some fights. Ferals if they weren’t forced to tank were once again sporting a lvl 40 helm and powershifting more degen things. Enter WoTLK claiming feral is S-Tier due to pserver interactions…fell flat and to just be middle of the pack dps again bearweaving was the meta. While the buff did the intended change that blizzard wanted i.e. stop ferals from bearweaving it did increase our dps more than they intended it to. Still not top of the meters in p2 or p3. Now a sim that is simming patchwerk fights has us as #1, whereas, p3 bis had feral out simming rogues and rogues check WoL are beating ferals. They want to nerf us based on a patchwerk sim…it’s a lil much to jump to conclusions. Even so, I’d say let feral have their time in the sun we sure have earned it.

The statements that devs play x class is always said when things don’t go other classes way when they are wanting x class nerfed. On the other hand, when x class does get nerf the players of x class say the devs all play these other classes that are top of meters and buffed. So either side saying it is dumb in general and is a reflection of ppl whining.