Pro RDF posts are history repeating itself

This is very true

Nope it is one of the first retail features tacked onto Wrath that started the demise of WOW.

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Classic Era is currently trying to recruit more people so they can get a warsong gulch group together, theyre currently 6 people shy

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I think minor qol is fine honestly like this change but sweeping system changes like rdf is where I gotta cross the line

No, it was in part of Wrath.

It was also largely not in Wrath. Wrath doesn’t mean the day before Cataclysm’s prepatch was released.

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Yes, in fact it was.

The fact you deny a literal fact is pretty telling.


RDF was a late feature added to Wrath after sub counts were declining which also hastened sub count decline.

It was a desperate attempt to bring people back to the game that failed.

That is why it was removed in this version of WRath.

I know it was in Wrath I’m saying it shouldn’t have been.

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Wrath had RDF for 26 days less than it went without it.


Wrath gained subs after RDFs launch.


Briefly then they dropped a lot…

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It wasn’t the day before Cata. It was a year of Wrath.

Cross-realm bgs were in Vanilla for like 15% of the game. Yet they were in Classic. Your ‘argument’ has absolutely no merit and has been disproven a hundred different times with a hundred different systems in Classic.


But waiting a long time to get a group and fly to the instance is fun. I love the inconsistencies in this stance! :clown_face:

Nah bro, it was!

Not until after the launch of Cata, try again.


Yeah but there’s a lot of factors going into sub drop off I don’t know why people attribute that to rdf. Cataclysm is one of wows worst expansions for a large amount of reasons.

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Ladies and gentlemen, another quintessential anti-lfd player. They’re always so nice and social.

Blizz, this is the playerbase you’re creating.


Wrath never dropped subs after it launched. Subs didnt drop until over a year after it released, in Cata


This is the player base that exists already lol… This is why I don’t understand the desire to “save” the community.


Yeah they did.

And guess what, you aren’t getting RDF so you can stop complaining.

Do you know how to read data and charts? Apparently you dont


I can read the chart saying you aren’t getting RDF because Blizzard said no…

Don’t confuse them with facts. The guy can’t even admit dungeon finder was in Wrath at all.