Prime time world of warcraft and only a few playing

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yep. back for blood jsut dropped (since in the screenshot). most would be playing not watching people play. I got plans for that game this weekend. wife and kid away, I can set gammas for immersive dark and keep the lights off
gonna be fun times.

and I don’t want to spoil it so
no vids for me. It had me at made by LFD(2) devs. and its on the M$ game pass I pay already. even if they messed up the LFD recipe (which I cant seee them doing that)
I didn’t actually buy the game. Win win there.

 WoW is that kind of game that isn’t worth watching someone else play compared to another when you got at most a year’s worth of content (Assuming you could cram it all in each day, talk about painful commitment). You’d get a bit burnt out watching a streamer doing that, let alone just watching the same ol M+ runs or Raids or
whatever content it is focused on.

let’s be real hardly anyone like to watch someone else play WoW.

most people like to watch people play Minecraft or something else

but not WoW.

And i think we all know why. :smirk:

Like what’s the popular PS2 game being played right now? :smiley:

I mean, wouldn’t a high viewership indicate less people playing, because more people are watching someone else play?

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Had a lot of people queueing into our heroic SoD this evening so iono what to tell you.

Twitch viewership would strike me as something that measures curiosity or interest rather than play-time. And it’s more driven by quick-bursts of action.

I also don’t think that WoW is the type of game that would attract viewers unless if you have strong twitch personalities who can sell their personality. I just went to check and FF14 is at 12.3K views, OSRS is at 12.9K views, ESO is at 15.2k views, and WoW is at 18.1 views.

All this is nothing compared to LoL with 123k views (more engaging to watch MOBA streams) and New World at 70.6k views (new game that people are gonno be curious about).

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No wait, I thought it was October 2020, bad me.

But really are these stats an accurate figure for the game?


Watching Mmos are about as fun as watching cspan.

hey not sure if you know this but not everyone who plays the game streams

50-60% when he was on. Of course him not playing and the game being what it is hasn’t helped.

Also to OP, fewer people play on NA realms than EU. And a lot of the drop in population has come from here. So the prime viewing hours are not when you think they are, they were several hours ago. When EU gets back home from work (insert joke), and when NA is at work (to listen as a podcast).

No one cares!

Good. Let the steamers ruin some other game.

Never understood the concept behind seeing someone else play wow except some really stupid quests you tube vids .

I just saw another player at the Great Seal. I was like, wow!

I have always been a 7 days a week player and for the last few weeks, I only log in on Sunday for my M+ commitment.

I swing by BFA places like this. To hit the portals to the heart chamber.

CLass respecs reset the HOA. I go back to get my neck abilities back. I use the HOA to heal the green dragon in icc on non healing classes.

Its another chest of goodies on the ICC run to get. Sometimes even get new stuff. If not, gold is gold.