Prime Gaming Loot: Get the Swift Shorestrider Mount

I don’t have it. I haven’t had any of the Prime rewards.

I’m pretty sure these rewards will never be anything new, just stuff removed from TCG, cash shop and whatnot.

They said in an interview somewhere they don’t plan on adding this one.

I don’t already have it but I get what you’re saying. It’d be cool if they brought back the trading cards.

I never spent a single cent on them either, but i purchased them all from the AH, it took me years of playing the AH and watching the AH like a hawk for good bargains. Please don’t make the mistake of assuming all TCG mount owners purchased them with real money, because the vast majority of us just saved up our gold and got them from the AH or people that actually pulled the loot cards.

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I’ve owned almost every TCG mount since WoD. Only missing the blue rocket.

LOL never going to happen…that and the spectral tigers I doubt will ever see either one given away or put on traders post either…same goes for the Long Boi too…

Well it seems like they’re going card game route a lot. It may be a minute

The blue rocket is from a card.

But regardless, they should do one mount that nobody has just so every one can participate.

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We may see that one come out Tovi…and the red one…I have the red one…the X-51 Nether X-treme one…

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The overwhelming majority don’t have these mounts, though, so I’m sure it’s fine. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Just look at how few people are “excluded”.

So you’re against a brand new mount?

No, but I understand them reusing stuff nobody has.

We did get a new mount this month the Purple Parrot…nobody had that one yet …

I never said I didn’t understand so I’m trying to figure out what your point is. To be contrary?

Btw, I’m happy for everyone getting TCG mounts. I’ve been one of the loudest voices in in support of Blizzard giving 'em away, especially the tiger even though that’s not happening.

All I’m saying is they should do one, just one, nobody has so every one can get a reward.

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That’s not an Amazon Prime or Twitch reward.

Okay, sure, but right now they’re doing tcg. After that maybe the removed shop mounts.

Okay but its still a new mount nobody had…isn’t it…we are getting all kinds of mounts and stuff thrown at us from all over now…prime…twitch…traders post…

Yippee :roll_eyes:

I don’t get your point of arguing with me either.

Fine, the emu is rare, but the hats weren’t rare. I bet most people had them.

Nobody has said why asking for a brand new reward is bad.

Never say never!

“So you’re against a brand new mount?” your statement right here…the parrot was a new mount that is all I am saying.