Priest Heals LF Raiding Guild

I have recently returned to classic and I am looking to raid. I have mostly gear from Onxyia/MC/ZG. I can Raid late nights and during the day. Sundays and Mondays are good for me. Could be willing to transfer servers

We have a full time healing slot open, in both teams atm.

We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm PT Server is Bigglesworth (PVP). Willing to help with your transfer if your interested. Add me Bnet = Hostility#1831 or Discord = Hostility#0168

I can take you in our core roster, if either of these times work. Contact info included in the link below:

About Us: Founded at the launch of classic with the primary goal of clearing all content up to and including Naxxramas, EZ is committed to cultivating a team of performance-minded individuals to enjoy all classic has to offer together. With experience ranging from current retail, Vanilla/BC as well as private servers, we are a guild that comes from all iterations of WoW.

Times: 11:30PM EST - 4:00 AM EST - Friday/Saturday - AQ40 (BWL/MC after AQ is cleared depending on the day) (Could change in the future)
9/9 AQ - C’Thun down
8/8 BWL - 40 min clear
10/10 MC - 51 min Clear

In Need of Healers/DPS

2 Holy Priest
(All exceptional players considered)

We use a Loot Council - The loot council will be distributing loot to raiders based on performance, attendance, and the size of the upgrade. Our goal is to make this process as transparent and fair as possible and to be fast and efficient with distributing loot.

Requirements: - raid consumables - World buffs - 80%+ attendance

Contact me on discord: Hashmeer#4466

Hey, Afterparty is looking for some good players. We have three raid groups and all of them raid at 8:30pm server time (ashkandi). All 3 of our teams are looking for healers. So you have a choice there.

All three raids have fully cleared AQ40, MC, BWL, Ony. We’re pretty competitive.

Now we do have 2 official raid days, but the second day is usually for BWL or in the case when naxx comes out, will be dedicated to naxx.

You can add me on discord at Namelus#1617.

I’d love to talk more.

Heres a post of our guild: [H-Ashkandi] | #1 Horde Guild on Server Recruiting! 3 raid groups clearing all content

Contact info at the bottom of the post if your interested.


If you are still looking “fury of war” on pagle is recruiting we are 9/9. We raid Tuesday / Thursday 830-1130 est. Message me in game or on discord via the methods below if you are interested to hear more.

Battle tag - Robustie#1332
Discord - Robustie#1045

Wipes on Trash is a West Coast server guild recruiting for our raid team. We’re currently doing BWL wednesday at 7, AQ20 on sat at 7 and AQ 40 on Friday at 7 and Sunday at 7 server times (we’re 8/9 currently with cthun dead). We’re a 8/8 BWL and 10/10 MC group, with lots of experienced raiders. Mature humour is a must though, we have some people with little to no filters :stuck_out_tongue:
Hope to hear from you!
Vocifera#0254 on discord if you’d be interested to talk more!

Hey Dgol,

We’re a horde guild on Herod that is looking for a few additional people as we transition into a slightly more competitive raiding environment, you’d fit in well. We raid Sunday & Monday from 8pm - 12am (eastern/server time). Obviously 9/9 AQ and getting close to clearing AQ & BWL in a single night at the moment.

Most highly sought after pieces use an LC system - we take into account how much effort you’re putting in (world buffs/consumables/parses/gear effort/etc.) as well as just using common sense for handing out loot.

Feel free to hit me up on Discord - KtotheAhZ#3474 if you have any questions or want to talk more about it.

Aggrophobia is currently recruiting for AQ and beyond
MC-10/10 1.5h clears or less
BWL- 8/8 1.5h clears or less
AQ40 - 9/9
AQ20- 1hr clears
ZG- 1hr clears

What we are looking for in our raiders
Biggest thing is peoples attitude towards raiding. That being said we are pretty laid back. We aren’t a cookie cutter guild while we do have " meme" specs in raid we want our raiders to enjoy themselves but be prepared. Food/consumes/wb are required for first two weeks of " new content" afterwards depending on difficulty it scales down. So if you are a casual raider but still put semi effort in or hard core min max we welcome you.

Loot Policy
We do Loot Council with a rotating council with 3 officers/2 raiders that are rotated weekly. We do have a trial period where our raiders/members will have prio on loot over trials this is usually 1-2 weeks of raiding with a minimum of doing said raid before being considered for loot from that raid.

Raid days and Times
we raid Sat-Sun 3-6PM server (PDT) with optional zg during the week. first couple of weeks of AQ will have bwl/mc/zg/aq20 during the week also. Once we clear aq in one day AQ will be Sat. Sun will be BWL/MC, and zg/aq20/ony during the week.

Current Recruitment Needs

1 Boomkin
1 Hunter
1 Fury Warrior
2 Holy / Disc priest

Other Dps/Healing classes are always welcome to reach out to us.

If you have made it this far and still interested feel free to get a hold of me via disscord to setup an interview.

Cerinity#1162 - Discord ID

Thanks for your time and GL out there in AQ