Pride month attire/socks?

A level 10 void elf hunter would’ve been too obvious.

WTB forum accountability in the form of btag or hell even account wide forum ignore.


They took down my Transformers being toys comment, yet, they let this person continue to post these inflammatory topics that are meant to be demeaning.



btag and a max level character to be able to post outside of the new player section

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I have wanted this for ages and asked for it multiple times, at this point I’d even pay to have it.


Just donate you don’t need to buy anything.


it feels like the forums are built to protect trolls with how it works tbh. free character switching, any site that can detect alts has had it’s functionality hindered or completely destroyed over the years. and the existence of classic characters ofc doesn’t help.

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Not a lot of love for Maiz today.

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90% of replies are complaints about the topic/OP. Have you guys not figured it out yet that without these replies all the Tul posts would die a quick death? They post these topics because they work. :roll_eyes:

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This Tul guy makes endless troll threads and nothing happens, I make just 2 or 3 comments asking to end pouring resources into politics and just try to make a better game, I get a 25 year ban (literally).

Someday we’ll get actually qualified forum mods.


probably looked around his room, saw some socks and decided to troll

Starts with maiz(ou) and has karen in the middle.


And also forum moderation.

But trolls don’t wear socks :thinking:

We certainly don’t.
wiggles toes

I have seen a few of their threads deleted, but it usually takes a very long time. If I had to guess, there is one or two mods who actually read the forums and recognize that he’s a troll - the rest either don’t care or don’t read anything more than the flagged post.

Blizz really needs to permaban him on all accounts. It really is ridiculous.


No. Just stop.

Once again, I hate replying to this. Because my reply is advice for others not to reply. Just go to the bottom of the thread and click “Mute.”

Feel free to ignore one of the many sockpuppets again.

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Actually…. Tul and karen aside. This is a very good question. A broken clock is right once a day. :man_shrugging:

Troll post, if you look at the item in the Blizzard store, it clearly tells you.