There is no such thing as “main” night elf army.
There were Night Elves at orgimmar.
There were Night Elves at the suicide attack in Zandalar
There were Night Elves in Darkshore.
There is no basis in your argument that somehow Tyrande fighting the Horde on her own and her followers hampered Night Elf Assistance to the Alliance.
If anything her forces managed to to completely disrupt Horde’s supplylines as well as tie up their forsaken and goblin forces in Darkshore with what I assume a meagre Night Elf force and heroes.
I don’t think Night Elves have enough forces to take on three fronts.
And the only way they managed that is get god buffed on their home ground. I doubt such an effect would have lasted long outside of Night Elf lands.
main nelf forces trying to take back there homeland from the horde under tyrande the leader of the nelves who’s forces where not present at the 2nd siege of orgimmar
I dont know what this argument has to do with anything not one did I say the nelves could have fought the horde alone, seems you have trouble reading, I said the alliance was NOT at full strength when anduin said he only had enough troops for one more assualt cause he was missing forces like the army of the blackmoon
Well, as long as it’s offscreen, there’s a chance. The night elves can do pretty strong things offscreen to reset the status quo for when the story wants to linger on them getting kicked in the face again.
There was a full column of Night Elves, Worgen and 7th Legion that showed up.
This wasn’t a rag tag force. 2/3 of the forces that follow you are also fighting in darkshore.
You failed to answer question. Where in the game is the Army of the Blackmoon described as the “Main Night Elf army”?
So what? There were still night elves at the battle.
You are singling out 1 single warfront as the sole cause of the Alliance operating at less than full capacity where it hampered them so badly that they had just enough forces for one assault even with the Horde rebels helping them.
But yea. I am sure if Army of the Blackmoon abandoned Darkshore (and freed up all the Horde forces currently engaged against them up there) then Alliance would have enough forces for… 2 more assaults?
This is all assuming your theory is correct which by the way isn’t.
There is ZERO evidence there is such a thing called main Night Elf army or that the Alliance was operating with anything less than full capacity.
If you actually paid attention you would have noticed its because of Azshara wiping out the fleet and everyone on them that apparently the Alliance lost all of its advantages and were operating with whatever reserves they had left.
cause missing soldiers is what causes them to operate in full capacity, the literally defination of full capactiy is having everything, if theres missing forces, you arent at full strength are you?
By Blizzard standards? Yes.
Blizzard isn’t in the habit of having thousands of NPCs in anyone spot. At most… the extreme most you would have a hundred at any one time.
So what? Shandris is the main military leader. Hence why they call a frigging general. You seem to be running around trying to find a way to explain your own assumptions as fact. They aren’t.
Um ok? How does this at all address what I said?
You know what? I am done, this is going nowhere, you got these assumptions that you pass as fact. You set some insane rationals for why its true with no actual basis and when that fails throw in vague one liners that make no sense.
Its a mistake to think you can have a coherent discussion with someone.
Using Zeus again as a comparison, even Zeus couldnt interfere with fate. Similarly, as powerful(supposely anyway) we have never see her actually do anything physical, like put out Legion fire, whisk Tyrande away when she was caught, hell, when Tyrande was shot with an arrow Elune did nothing!
That is not a physical thing, physical as in you actually move matter. If anything that seems more of a mystical/semi spiritual thing.
PS. Certain Night elf fans are really getting annoying and at this point I am hoping Velen is right that Elune turns out to be a Naaru.(or more likely a certain version/spinoff of the concept of Naaru)