It’s criminal that mistweaver is considered melee, even when they aren’t punching, and evoker isn’t.
It was true for a few weeks and it was nerfed by a lot.
So I got my prevoker to 2500, no where near as easy as my other healers but still fun and cool, the only dungeon I can’t get past an 8 is city of echoes for obvious reasons. I think a good fix would be to make spatial paradox a 1 minute cd, that way I have an answer for dungeons with a lot of spread fights, it would still be challenging but at least I would have an answer on spread phases and then rescue for the odd hunter. I think this would be a good and fair work around though I still feel living flame, VE, rev and echo should have a larger range still. VE would be really cool to fly and save a low health party member, then toss a DB on the spread out members then warp and VE back to the tank, that would be very cool.
I’ll just point this out. Letting others die is not an answer. If the consensus is to let players, then the community of players will simply think that Preservation as a healer is just bad.
If pres healers are out there letting players die because “they’ll learn to be in range of me”—the same players that do not press interrupt, never use defensives, stand on bad stuff, etc.—then players will simply discriminate against pres healers. It’s that simple. They’ll simply assume that pres players are bad since they never get healed, even if they’re in Narnia across the map. They’ll simply invite the shaman, druid, mistweaver, or paladin instead.
I would also like to add to this, there isn’t a single other healer with the range limitation of Preservation. So ranged DPS have never had to worry or think about their positioning in relation to their healer before, and they don’t have to with any of the other healer specializations. They have to fundamentally change how they play the game to accommodate the weakness of one specific healer, in this case preservation. This is a tall ask for the average DPS player who, as you mention, can’t be bothered to press a defensive before damage goes out or use their interrupt in the first place.
Maybe a metaphor would help illustrate the point. Let’s say I am hiring someone for a job and I have two candidates to choose from. Applicant 1 says they can complete the job alone. Applicant 2 says they can do the job, but they need me to also join in the work to get the same job done. Why would I ever choose applicant number 2?
I played resto shaman in Shadowlands and found it far more limiting in m+.
If you wanted effective aoe healing , people BETTER be close together. Pres has more leeway compared to that.
So, I was talking about evoker last night with my other healers in my raid and both said evoker is the only healing class they won’t play because of the range issues and were adamant. Of course this class can be played with its current range set up but I argue that it’s just unnecessary, there is no reason a few of it’s abilities cant be a further range and I don’t care about PvP that could be a whole separate issue. People are not going to want to play the class or play with the class eventually.