Prepare for a healer shortage in Raids

PL isn’t going away. They are just forcing it for testing in the Beta right now


Ok perfect then, I really hope personal loot stays!


Your gear?

Your gear?

Everything is a hunter item.


You can thank WoWhead for the horrible clickbait on the confusion. People fanning the flames don’t help, either, but there has been no official word on any system being removed other than this specific testing situation. :blue_heart:


People should expect an increased tank shortage, as guardian and brewmaster both have an unfinished talent tree.

Unfortunately there often is no official word. It’s not unusual for players to find unannounced changes to what was previously announced.

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Yup like either role LFR and hope you get lucky which well with a lot of people probably trying out Evoker at least for the first season you’re gonna have a lot of competition or get basically nothing as guild runs will be prioritising DPS and PUGs will probably be extremely toxic with leaders prioritising gearing their mates and themselves whilst threatening kicks so…

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Curse click bait titles, I just saw this thread and I was like… “ohh please no”, like I understand if some guilds did this as an option but make it an option…

Wouldn’t it been easier if they just allowed Personal Loot to be tradeable regardless of ilvl?, I thought some sort of iteration of that would of came in DF.

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They did say they were loosening restrictions on trading, so either way that’s a huge win!

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Ohhh exciting news!, another reason to be hyped!, Evokers and loosen restrictions… it’s all wins!

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I think we won’t know until after the first raid opens whether it is true that this will be “all wins”.

They said it was the case for group loot, which I’m not exactly sure why that would be the case. The whole reason we needed the ilvl restriction lifted was because PL does not give us any agency on funneling gear where it needs to go.

Wishful thinking they mean to expand that sentiment to any loot rule they let us play with.

“They haven’t confirmed it’s going away in live clearly yet so obviously it’s just for testing” uh huh yup whatever helps you sleep.

It’s not quite obvious Bliz plan on getting rid of it to please all the classic players the people saying otherwise are either coping or purposely spreading misinformation so people won’t make the fact the player base wants personal loot to stay clear

Like make it loud and clear no one wants this now and hopefully Bliz will change their mind

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Sometimes false hope is better then no hope at all!! Gotta have faith Blizzard will do the right thing.

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I’m not saying loot won’t be tradable. I’m saying that we won’t know how well the new system will work out until after the expansion drops and the raid opens.

Please read the actual blue post in it’s entirety and not just the clippings WoWhead decided to take.

oh, gotcha gotcha. I can see group loot being a success if they keep the table determination we have with PL. But blizzard loves things that waste our time, so it may be DOA. Testing hasn’t gone live yet, so we don’t even know what this iteration will look like.

I did read it haven’t even read the wowhead article why don’t you read it specifically this

If it wasn’t coming to live why would they want feedback on how

It’s not clickbait read the above the Blood Elf Death Knight probably wants the system to return and is simply spreading misinformation so people won’t make it clear to Blizzard that most players do not want this

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It’s for raid testing on the PTR. They also tested warmode by forcing everyone into WM, but did they make all realms WM exclusive?

Unless they outright state they will remove PL, I suggest you seek clarification rather than sweeping statements about removing yourself from the LFR que.

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It’s for raid testing on Dragonflight BETA of the new Dragonflight raid like seriously

It’s almost 2am be gentle on my typos :sob:

“Blizzard has released a giant blog post on changes and experiments coming to raid loot in Dragonflight Season 1.”

Doesn’t sound like this is going to be a “beta” thing but a test season like they are doing with season 4 on retail right now.