Premades using something to kick players offline

nothing that happens in a video game would affect my ability to sleep. again, another sign that perhaps video games mean a liiiiiiitle to much to you.

Homie the number of people claiming things happen when they don’t is on the rise. Excuse me for not believing everything on the internet. If you have the ability to prove your case further rather than invite doubt wouldn’t you want to do it?


The only people raising concern about pugs are horde players.

Every argument ends in something like this : “… and you are hurting your own faction too”.

Premades aren’t going anywhere, and there’s nothing wrong with them. The fact that horde can’t premade is a consequence of overpopulation. The only people who PuGs are bots and people that don’t have a 100% mount.

Premades are the reason that bots won’t get enough honor to rank, and the 60%… who cares about them? One can farm the gold for a mount in less than a week, and the game is out for months.


It does, and his comments on this post are a proof of it.

Deal with it

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There is a conversion to have about whether 1 faction premades in a PvP environment is okay or not. Probably doesnt belong in this thread though. But some times when people say things, they mean it at face value. I am not personally trying to destroy premades by taking up the plight of the little-man…i’m just expressing my opinions on automated systems abuse.

But I remember being told, assured, and yelled at by countless forum degenerates claiming that right click reporting simply does not and cannot exist in this game, and that it’s not an exploitable system that can be used against innocent players at all…

Where are all you moronic blizzard apologists now?

Group of players exploits the queue system to premade in a bg you specifically aren’t supposed to be premading in, then exploits the the RCR system to get a player dcd and squelched… Every one of the players in that premade should be temp banned with their entire account’s honor /gear gains wiped. Drop a hammer on this kind of asshattery. Then go back and start banning the morons who shilled for this rcr garbage before launch from ever being able to share their useless opinions again.

Tl: DR… Once again I told you people so.

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I am reporting you now for being a liar and spreading disinformation about blizzard.

You post on an alt account, you say you were mass flagged, you say you got an EMAIL from blizzard ???

Yeah right, now you are reported for trolling.

You are being pragmatic and forgetting that the only reason they mass reported him is because he was trying to handicap the other 39 players.

This is clearly griefing, and the mass report makes total sense on this case.

What next? Are you going to say that is wrong to mass report people who stay afk, or fish during matches?

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If fishing wasn’t allowed or intended in AV, then why are there fishable waters with fish to loot from them? None of your arguments make sense.

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So you believe that people flagging you afk in AV will get you booted from the game, and a personal e-mail from blizzard.

Wow you guys are dumb.

How many thousands of botters have been reported and ignored by now?

5k? 10k?

I just did a dungeon with an american who bought one of those chinese hunter accounts, so obviously the account aint flagged.

but yeah, not giving raid assist will get me flagged.

No. Just no.

The other 39 players were trying to bully this person, and likely would have kicked him regardless if they HAD passed the lead.


This person has the right to be lead in an AV if the system assigns that role. Whether or not that person is a GOOD leader or not, or will be, is irrelevant to the discussion, and the people that reported need to get a 3 day time out for it, AT MINIMUM for abusing the system.


Putting thoughts into other people’s heads is not a good way to go about it. You can believe me when i tell you…at face value…what I say.

Not giving leadership/assist is in no-way griefing. Poor form…sure, griefing…no.

Flagging people who are actually AFK as afk is fine, but fishing…no. That would be abusing the system, as much as it sucks to have fishermen on your team. Just because you dont like what someone is doing, does not give you the right nor the justification to willfully and wrongfully report someone.


He’s being reported for spamming. If enough people report someone for spamming within a time-frame the system automatically disconnects the person and squelches them.

I like how no one commented on this post and how open this guy is about cheating.

Almost like cheating is common place for Alliance in AV or something.


I know that science has proven that the average zugzug brain is small, so their mental capabilities is handicapped, but if you try hard enough, you can see that:

1- Griefing is wrong. And that’s what Op was doing.
2- Fishing in A.V. is wrong too, as you are being as useful as a bot.

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Yes, and such wild and unbelievable acusations with zero proof… from a low level alt no less!


Hearing these alliance trying to justify abusing the report system is hilarious. Take Pags for instance…

he wants to sabotage his team

Not giving Raid Assist to the premade is trying to sabotage his team? How about all the queue dodgers who are sabotaging many alliance teams by “avoiding” the queue because their numbers didn’t match…

Yet another reason why I am glad I didn’t roll alliance…


I’m not putting thoughts on his head, he is the one that admitted that wasn’t giving assist because he doesn’t like premades. Read his comments.

This is grief, and even the average zugzug can understand that concept


No, you’re putting thoughts into my head saying I’m only defending someone because I’m being pragmatic and my true goals are to destroy premades.

But now you’ve devolved into personal insults.

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Do you think he’s a left or right wing kind of guy since we’re talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the issue.