Premades still ruining epic battlegrounds

Dont need proof when its an open secret and everyone knows its going on. More important Blizzard knows and does nothing about it, so why even argue… The exploiters are free to rake in the cash off the players backs killing pvp participation.

I don’t know about that.

He conflates experiences with the queue pop window, with actual evidence.

There is no evidence, based on the queue pop window, which can show people queue syncing.

Well the players know about it, thats why they all quit, and the season is Dead, again lol. Player base knows its rigged, crooked, pay to win.

There were more games of Blitz in the last 24 hours than there were in a 24 hour period in October.

And I know, there’s no point to replying to you, you have me blocked.

Gotta keep that echo chamber clean, otherwise it wouldn’t echo quite so well.

Thanks for the clarification and advice :slight_smile: I am still forming opinion regarding the second bit. My tolerance had been raised by Fortnite :stuck_out_tongue:

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Isn’t that exactly what you all did with the bluepost but now that blizzard banned people all of a sudden its “appeal to authority”?

You can use simple deduction to find out that the chances of 15-20 people missing the que just 1 person over and over with insta pops is so low it may as well be non existant.

So yeah supatease is right.

We’re aware. You and several others have concocted this safe space by ignoring Blizzard’s lack of comment on the issue outside of blue posts, and supplementing it with your amateur opinions, then mixing that with insulting people by calling them cheaters and being generally toxic.

It’s also why you get your posts flagged.

It isn’t some conspiracy, just stop breaking forum ToS.

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Blizzard banned people for griefing M+ runs, which has zero to do with epic bg premades.

Griefing a m+ run griefing a epic bg with premades what is the diference supa made this point to that maybe we could get that same attention on “groups of players” griefing in pvp as well.

“we will continue to keep an eye on groups in the future, and repeat offenders are subject to escalating penalties”.


What’s the difference? M+ is part of the rated/rewards ladder just like blitz is, and epic bgs aren’t. They’re literally mongo PvP for people to blow off steam in.

Not even remotely related.

Unrated PvP isn’t some safe space for you to be free from organized competition, and has never been.

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It’s also not a safespace where baddies can run premades and never lose by stacking a roster against randoms.

Premades leaving the game against another premade is hilarious and shows thats exactly what they are in there to do.

I’ve been in premade v premade games they give up just as quick as pugs do when they realize they are outmatched in dps or healing or both. they just let the other premade end.

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Not at all.

Blizzard is the actual authority, the judge, the rule maker, the rule giver.

Some player who is good at the game is an expert at playing the game, but is not an actual authority.

Oh so you just appealed to a “higher authority” yeah ok next your going to thump me with the bible i guess.

Yeah and they banned people in m+ who do similar things to what premades in unrated content do so.

Well he knows more about it than you do and also has the ability like a normal player outside premades does outside looking in that its not how the system was intended to be used.

No, I use the real authority. The only authority which matters.

I think it’s fairly obvious from the way I post that I’m an Atheist.

They did no such thing.

Blizzard suspended players who joined a group, with the intent to leave the group.

It would be like suspending you for /afking.

He clearly doesn’t.

You probably sit on the edge of your chair waiting for the next blue post huh.

Yeah that explains a great deal as to how you are on the forums more than the actual game responding within 5 minutes all hours of the day cause your whole life revolves around it.

They suspended people who went out of their way to grief other players. Similar to what premades do. The method in which they did it didn’t matter.

I’d still take his word for it over yours cause at least he can actually show his face and stand by what he says and based on what he says he summed it up pretty well.

Exactly! Its a solo bracket, SOLO, yet the same people are in the same matches together to X rating. When the Big PvPers are talking about it, you know its gotten bad.

YEP, the RMT folks have been on the forums running damage control for years now.

Blizz has made it quite clear that counting down Q’s together is allowed. I don’t see them ever doing anything about that.

Buuut, I would not be surprised if Blizz acted upon chronic q droppers, both random/epic BGs and Blitz and RSS. This suspicion is only increased by their recent M+ bans/actions.

It would be good of them, we shall if anything happens.

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No. I understand that Blizzard doesn’t need to post a list of rules every day.

No, it explains nothing. It’s the response to a single claim.

It isn’t.

Premades don’t set out to grief people.

They aren’t doing anything against the rules, they are playing the game.

Yes, I know, because it suits you.

Are you showing your face?

If what he says is wrong, then it doesn’t matter how much he stands by it.

There are lots of people who stand by what they say. They are still probably wrong.

I’d like to introduce you to Homeopathic practitioners. I can’t use religions, that’s against the forum rules.

He did no such thing. He assumed fact and asserted claims.

Blizzard just acted on the griefing and shady activities going on in Mythic+, I bet pvp is next, the old saying manure rolls down hill.