Premades should only fight premades. It was honestly fun and nerve wrecking when spm was hunting bsg.
They do not understand the power of teamwork. Even 2-3 players can completely change an ebg. They want this perfect work of balance and fairness.
When they understand it will never be that way, then they will be set free, in so that they may learn to fight and work together.
do not understand the power of teamwork
You guys throw 15+ geared, experienced people on a team knowing full well the other team is mostly going to be made up of semi-geared casuals not in comms and they have one healer for 39 DPS
Prove it then. Stop sync queuing and show everyone how ‘great’ you and your delusional team of five really are. If you’re as good as you claim, it should be easy, right?
I totally agree with this… Many of them want that also but Blizz won’t accommodate.
Imagine how boring it would be if we could only solo que….
Stop being mad and que more with friends in 5 man groups
que more with friends in 5 man groups
If that’s all you guys were doing, we wouldn’t be having these discussions.
they should have geared themselves, its nearly the end of the season, there is no excuse.
Gearing is individual responsibility.
they should have geared themselves
Then you misunderstood me, unless your argument is that people should only enter EBGs in full conq sets
You can still be very dangerous even in green honor gear. It’s not so much the gear as it is more teamwork and knowing how to play your class.
Any premade even with honor gear vs conquest will still do far better.
I can’t wait until these garbage cheating players are removed from the game! I am very hopeful as people like venruki etc are making you tube videos about entire
Communities Que dodging with addons! These people are severe cheaters and they are being caught red handed!
I hope wow delivers life time ban for these cheaters
(I did not know this, I have a bunch on my main T.T)
So two problems with this:
1-These premade communities are not exactly “friends” and you quickly learn this when you join there discords. Its business as usual at best, toxic smack talking at worst. As other mentioned, its mostly for ego trips, not really for what most would call healthy enjoyment.
2- Considering queue times are astronomically higher and higher each expac, I dont think its a matter of people being “mad” I think most people are just leaving PVP because of it.
I’ve yet to see that. Just players doing ebgs. Y’all reaching hard to make what you see a reality lol.
Because you have yet to be in one.
But if I am wrong, prove it and give me the name of the premade disc you are in
What’s discord?
I rest my case.
Pfft… Very easy… I lead and solo carry 39 pugs against 40 pugs all the time… imgur. com/a/qGgIBwV
So if I bring 4 monsters with me who are better than me, what do you think is going to happen to the 40 pugs on the other side? Rooooooooolllled & crying and screaming “PREMADE!!!” even though it’s only a 5 man group and perfectly legal…
You’re a salty one lol