Premades need to die

Just limit group size to 3 to queue for bgs : )

Did a solo queue into a couple random BGs cos I was bored.

Both games it was our pug 10 man vs 5 man premade in WSG , over comms , that dominated us while their other five player pugs could do what they want freely.

It’s so lop-sided it isnt even close.

My understanding that it queued a 5-man premade into a team with a 5-man premade to balance out the odds.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

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BSG does the same thing that they accuse other communities of doing. They specifically went alliance so they could hunt the people they feel wronged them.

They will specifically try to que into them and if 20 people pop but they don’t get in against a horde premades Oca will make the call to drop ques which causes pugs to join empty games. They do this knowing FULL well the Horde communities will just leave anyway.

Leadership in BSG also treats it’s community members horrible. I see a lot of two faced stuff going on there.

The only leaders who have ever been nothing but nice to me were Cinco and Gwiyomin but I haven’t seen Her since OCA took over.


One of the bigger reasons I just left it all its just too much drama.

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Yep I tried to stay out of it and just have fun but people won’t let you. It’s all high school stuff.


When are you gonna carry me in bgb

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I’ve been queing lately but resto druids are really bad right now. Hopefully we get better with the rework.

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Premades need to die… Day off, would like to win 1 EBG game. Every game a premade. This sht is sht.


Its not popular at all compared to how many ppl were qing 2s and 3s before solo was intrudced. Solo gameplay killed pvp,it was already dead.

Instead of the word “communities” can we use the term “group of Que-synch dodgers to grief solo random players”

I know it doesn’t roll off the tongue but it’s accurate.


I appreciate your comment :purple_heart:


Gwi Gwi! I’ve missed you.


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Why mention them at all? They cheat to win in a bracket that half the people who aren’t premading treat like LFR and AFK in, then call themselves superior strategists and talk like they’re Napoleon.

It’s honestly kind of hilarious if you can get past the cringe.


Hahaha I can’t get past the cringe. The best part is they come in here asking like they should be welcome among actual PvP players who play under the banner of sportsmanship.
It’s an actual insult to us that they exist.


I looked for you on discord the other week but could not find you. Hope you are doing well :slight_smile:


Ty, I am! Hope you all have a great year :hugs:


while destroying the game for everybody else, you clearly one of the numpties doing it otherwise you wouldn’t work so hard to justify it


Hello Artery! You sound frustrated. How may I help you? I might be able to.

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internet debates are about fun of the debate, not the point of discussion.

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They do die, A LOT :sunglasses:

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