Premade's are a problem

Are we even talking about the same thing?

Most people are talking about 6+ person premade raids as a problem in random bgs.

We’re not talking about your 3-4 person party.

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cross faction random queues would be a good start


Would it really?

When I play a bg as alliance, I like to know the side I am going to be on, the best tactic for the faction in that bg.

And I doubt the playerbase are just going to be cool with a person of the other faction on their bg team. I know alliance aren’t that fond of it now when a horde admits to mercing on the team. Everyone immediately thinks “premade spy.” You can say that it would dissipate but how many are lost during the transition since it is still allowing the premade problem to exist? And maybe some would say the solution is to change the race of the one swapped over but a lot of players like the racials they chose. I like my shadowmeld characters and potential uses for it. I like my escape artist.

There are so many potential negatives that I wouldn’t classify it as a good thing.

The best thing blizzard could start out with is just standing by their own rules they laid out instead of pretending like the problem doesn’t exist. More players will be lost in the process of doing nothing if they fear that standing by their own rules would chase off the premade raiders.

Making faction and race choices pointless is not good. Watering down this game more is not a good idea.

At this point, those communities have already shown themselves with how much they strut about it here. Stand by the rules they set and give notice.

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its the only reasonable solution, they’re never going to stop allowing people to queue randoms as groups, not convinced any of the things you’re talking about would be an actual problem at all

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I don’t think I have ever seen a 10-person premade in WSG ever. Nor do you need one - queue together as 5 MM and just obliterate everything while laughing on disc. Or toss in a pocket healer and 4 MM / 4 Rets and giggle your face off. No random group will touch you, and you can do just about anything you want without issue or consequence.

Premades are rare or the majority of them just flat out suck. I dont think theyre an issue tbh.

I don’t agree that players would have a problem with full time random merc, many are already playing both sides anyway and know every BG from both sides. I don’t think there’s many (if any) players who join a BG to intentionally lose. Players merc to win, even if wearing the opposite colors

But I do agree players forced race change would not be popular. The merc version of my characters are the ugliest version of that race. My transmogs and animal forms become ugly. I not only lose my racial abilities but the merc versions don’t automatically appear on my hot bar. I have to go into the spell book and find them. Forced merc would only be agreeable if I kept my chosen race.

I also agree that players will unsub over Blizzard’s failure to enforce their own rules. I’ve already cancelled and just riding out my paid time. I LIKE communities and playing in sync-queues but I don’t like being part of the problem. I know they’re not going away as long as they’re possible. I’m hoping Blizzard either publicly condones them or breaks them, one or the other, and I’ll go with that.

You would have a point if pre made communities are breaking any rules . Blizz says make 5 man teams, so premades make 5 man teams. There is no rule anywhere which says when you have to queue up.

Yes, it is part of the game. However, when it’s 10 men premade in 10 people bgs over a few bgs there is something not right. And don’t get me started on the Epic bg premades.

However how many years have we seen these posts? Blizz at this point in time do not really care, if they did they would have found a solution years ago. So really I’m wasting my time even posting about this.

Yeah, you are correct, but it is killing PVP. I don’t mind coming up against a premade but when it’s over and over again, coming up against the same grp, it starts to grind on the nerves. That shows you the population of bg participation is pretty low if you come up against the same grp for multiple BGs.

People leave BG’s in droves when they see it and that is not good for the game overall. Over the years the PVP pop has dwindled so much because of lack of thought going into the system.

Carry on it will just continue to dwindle until it’s almost a PVE game only (it almost is)

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Personally I feel premades in smaller random BG’s are much of a bother to pugs than epics . Even when you are losing in epics the maps are large enough to hide or have smaller engagements away from main body . There is no place to hide in random BG’s on the other hand


10 man premades are so rare in randoms that is the most “cooked” take I’ve ever seen

It does not matter not worth debating over. There is years of this stuff on the forums.

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Technically they were a thing before then, bgs just didnt exist and everone fought in marshlands/hilsbrad all the time.

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Even a party of 5 in 10-15 man game makes More of a difference than 15 ppl( the average epic premade ) in epics

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Totally different dynamic altogether.

Quality of player on average is substantially higher in a regular bg

2-5 person premades make much less of an impact if the enemy team is full of duelist/elite players

I’ve beaten cinco/oca doing 10 man premades in a duo

Premades aren’t even that common these days. There have been worse years.

Yea exactly this.

I do. If people wanna have fun, they have fun.
There’s a guy who I won’t mention, but he queues NOTHING but premades, and ALWAYS wins. If I’m not having fun, I go do something else for a bit. Not a huge deal.