Premade's are a problem

I just don’t buy a mic to talk on discord…so I won’t let my Irish side get out of control …by the time I type it out I’ve either ended up deleting the comment or it was worthy of saying to begin with…usually I delete the comment as I find my Temper has resided a little or the issue really wasn’t worth the fight. If the issue persists then I address it using assertive communication techniques. Yes i hear the getting mad and leaving thing as I have done that before on several occasions.

Oh don’t get me wrong when a good pug group forms its fun …everyone is trying their best. I personally find however those that cannot behave like an adult generally get ousted from a community. Where as in a Pug you just have to sit there and listen, Ignore, Report, or whatever you choose to do I find My ignore list is getting pretty long lol. Even when you ignore you keep seeing all the problems they are causing in people responding to them, so there’s that. On another note I edited the post as suggested to my best ability Ashenberry was correct it needed a little editing. All this being said I wish it were a perfect world however it’s not we can only try to muddle through the best we can.

But what about everyone else’s greater happiness?

It shouldn’t feel accomplishing at all when a premade raid beats a pug team…

I am fun when happy…ask around. I always carry my pumpkins i always say “here hold my beer watch this” lol and of course there is falling off cliffs yelling “SHWHOOOPS”. I alone cannot make people happy that’s really on them but in the communities we always seem to be having a blast.

Yeah, but the pugs on the other team are not having a blast. You can see all of them leaving the game. They’d rather not PvP than stay in the game.


Oh I agree but I’ve been in pugs against premades… It is not so bad as long as they get it done and over with. It’s the premades that sit there and farm that really blow


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I’ve come into some EBGS like that in the past…however I’ve never been in one that I’ve done that as a matter of fact that’s discouraged heavily in the Horde communities I’ve been with

I wasn’t in a premade lol. I joined an in progress 2-0 WSG getting gy camped waiting for the timer to run out.

Premade don’t really bother me tbh. Win some, lose some. Go next


A full 10-person Tich Grp in a 10 - person BG as an example. And it’s happening more and more.

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I would like to see if you hold the same positive demeanor after facing the same premade BG after BG after BG.

Thats what happened to me. I logged onto discord, got a couple of the boys to log over. Got a premade together myself and queued up and ended up facing them first BG. We decimated them. Gy camped at WSG GY and they all AFK’d out.

But I should not even have to do all of the above in order to have a fair game.

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Same. It’s an MMO, grouping is a part of the game.


So me just wanting to do casual pvp in bgs with 3 friends is now toxic??
Its labeled casual pvp for a reason. So instead we should all just randomly que solo an not play with one another?

Like I’m serious here Rbgs is a toxic buyers cesspool Im not gona waste my time on it at all. So the only other solution is queing with friends.
An the biggest reason I say this is random bgs are complete crap shoots ppl dont listen just insult one another an insta tilt WHY in gods green earth would I try an stress myself to ask for help at LM for the 28th time an get told “F off”.
No im good I’ll play with friends sorry for anyone else game not being fun but u dont pay my sub.

Um… In the post you’re replying to, they wrote they were talking about premade raids.

So, unless you forgot a 1 or a 0 (e.g. 13 or 30) in the number of friends you want to bg with…

Problem is this argument has been spilling over into regular bgs as well an a few posts here have even mentioned as such.
So far as Im concerned they are a linked problem.

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Yes. Premade raids are a problem in regular/random bgs. They’re not a problem in rated bgs.

Sorry meant regular bgs not epic bgs those are just asking for a bad time

Yes, premade raids are a problem in the smaller bgs as well.

If you run into a 10-person premade raid in WSG, that’s bad too.

So then I ask whats the solution here since, Im too old too bad or w.e other insult Im sure someone will come up with.
Been playing this game on an off since BC always did 3-4 man bg groups. Rated is a travesty and a sweat hole. I dont even care for rated in any forum.

Since you cannot have a half decent discussion before someone “rating shames” regardless of what comp/class you play. So my only option is to pve which Im sick of Or casual pvp.

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