Premade's are a problem

If most people suck acc to you then the average is what you call sucks

Whatā€™s strange about that is thereā€™s usually only a few dozen actually queuing even though there might be hundreds online and 1000 on the roster. Thereā€™s only a few dozen active epic players in that 1000.


I would say there are about 50-60 core base who are there most days in the night to play epics ā€¦ but ya there are hundreds online but not all want to play


Yeah, not so strong without 10+ healers or 10+ DPS backing you upā€¦

Yeahā€¦   :T

Thatā€™s enough for 1 or 2 premade raids.

Pretty Much :slight_smile:

We just want a competitive organized game!

doesnā€™t do rated
leaves if other side is also a premade

Itā€™s about stomping on pugs with ez mode on. Nothing more.


If you want a competitive organized game do rbgs lol

BAN big groups in non-ranked pvp content AND make Epics an ranked option.


Make it so everyone entering an instanced pvp content have the same ilvl.

Itā€™d be kinda scary to see a 40-person team formed for ranked epic bgs.

Probably like 20+ hunters.


Yeah, prob, but who cares? That would be a solution for this problem and they could make a limit of every class, most ppl today play multiple classes or at least have 2 toons to play pvp, normally much moreā€¦

You found yourself in a game with 3 people and you got farmed? Sounds like the Horde team had bad pugs that the Alliance pugs decided to farm.

Nah man all druids

Honestly in my opinion Pug groups would be awesome. However have you noticed all the trolls? the Whinning? then sitting there for 30 minutes to an hour with youā€™re team running around like chickens with their heads cut off as you call out for help with an objective?
In a majority of these groups all you hear at the start is big talkā€¦ a bunch of people trying to troll or get attention ranging from how their mom or dad did something inappropriate with them to how they will single handedly win and we are all lucky they are there.
Then there are the argumentsā€¦that only this strategy works or that strategy works and there is no other way to win. Then the game startsā€¦the group splits and for the rest of the match you hear one side saying gg and they were right cause the other group failed. Fighting whining through the entire match calling each other names and totally berating each other with blame. Then there are those who if the first objective is not met they say gg call everyone noobs or some nice name then leave.
In premade the group all knows what they are trying to do. If the first objective is lost they regroup and try another strat they do not just degrade others and quit they get back up and try something else. There is no jumping on each other there is no degrading comments there is no quitting or whining.
So out of the two which would you really rather do? After only 3 or 4 matches with Pugs I know I for one am ready to pull my hair out.
Itā€™s only a different story when the Pugs wins their objective at the start and work to move forward. Which does happen and in that bg everyone seems happy but thatā€™s not common unfortunately. The moment it gets tough in a Pug the hate speech and degrading stuff starts rolling out. I for one canā€™t stand too much of that it gets me completely frustrated and makes the whole experience unhappy and virtually unplayable.
At any rate thatā€™s my take on it and I understand in a perfect world ,perfect things happenā€¦I just choose to not deal with things I donā€™t have to deal with and along the way. I make some really good long term gaming friends I talk to and get to roll with in other stuff like raids etc. Itā€™s really up to you as to what you want to experience for the most part.


Bro separate this into paragraphs with punctuation. Please.

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Iā€™m not a Bro and writing essays or Papers is not my strong suit. If you canā€™t understand what Iā€™m saying I am truly sorry. I did make some edits hope that helps a bit :slight_smile:

PVP in this game is already dead

Unfortunately those same bad actors from the BG pugs also join communities where itā€™s not so easy to tune them out. One of the first negative things I realized when I joined communities. Thereā€™s really great people who have joined communities, most of them are, many of them maybe out of BG survival. But mixed in with them are some of the same narcissistic BG trolls theyā€™re trying to escape. Except now they have to hear them crow on Discord and sometimes theyā€™re making the calls. You have to pick your poison.

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Community hands down every day of the week and twice on Sunday, Yes you are correct especially when those people get into leadership they can ruin the entire experience so youā€™re point is absolutely valid. Being that there are not really many communities it makes that portion hard to deal with as well. For now I am completely happy overlooking small things (until they become a real issue) for my greater happiness.

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You have more tolerance than I do. Odds are weā€™ve been in the same community together. Itā€™s a running joke with my daughter about my short fuse. Iā€™m on my best behavior in communities, Iā€™ve never caused any drama. If I get annoyed Iā€™ll just leave. Wish I had the same self control in real life.

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