Premade's are a problem

The SAS main community is full ( that’s 1000 players ) and more try to join everyday . And that’s just one epic ‘premade’ community.…

How many pugs leave each of your games?

We’ve had a premade raid person brag about the number of pugs who got the deserter debuff because of them:

179 pugs got the deserter debuff in one AV.

SAS does not farm anyone . They just do objectives .

Farming is done by Ruin in IOC and I guess Hydra in AV back in the day . Nowadays Hydra is the one who get farmed though

I was just wondering about how many pugs leave each of your games.


Probably the same amount as any other epic BG without premades on either side.

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Yeah, I’m gonna disagree with you on that one unless you have data to back that up.

The 179 rage quits was when they forced people out of a cave. Hardly pugs leaving on purpose.

Pugs left the game because of the premade raid.

And a lot were forced out of the cave which added to the 179 count.

During HK farms, do you think it’s possible that more pugs leave the game than normal?

When premade raids inexorably push from one side of the map to the other, do you think it’s possible that more pugs leave the game than normal?

Is it possible that you’re wrong?

It’s possible. Luckily most premades now don’t HK farm like Hydra did back in the day.

cough RUIN cough

I did say most.

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Is this RUIN?

I cought myself on the end of a RUIN HK farming session yesterday. Threw me through a loop. I feel like HK farming rarely happens these days.

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Yea. I’ve noticed if you get people on board to group up at the beginning rather than run through mid like scattered chickens, you can put up a good fight against a premade. If you have people running every which way, it’s going to end badly.

premades have been an issue for awhile but were manageable when the meta wasnt so fast and gimmicky (which needs changed) people die to fast now and it snowballs which in turn causes the premade problems you have now. when TTKs were lower you could easily 1v2,3, and even 5 because most players in premades tend to suck but just mob and abuse numbers. now with numbers and burst being the major factor, premades just run amok w/o check. before one good players could actually make an impact but now with people dying to just one dps in less than 5 seconds its impossible.

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Suck no … just average players same as any pug

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most pug players suck. but considering most are pug players, i consistently watch the premade players struggle in smaller engagements or flop when out numbered. they abuse coordination and gear with numbers to usually come out on top. again premades were fine when the pacing was slower and 1v2 or more was possible but with burst being so easy to do and so high with little to no effort, you get mobbed and die before any can be done usually.

that’s just the main community