Premades and Mercenaries!

Hello pvpers! This is not a fun idea I feel as I know tons of people love to do premades, but I am sure everyone here has been on the other end of one of those matches. If Blizzard was to change queues to match Alliance and Horde on the same teams as mercenaries it would almost remove the ability to bring in more than five players into a random battleground. I believe for the longevity and fairness of the game, this would make the game feel much better.

This would be a little sad, but for the majority of players in World of Warcraft they are not joining premades, they are playing random epic battlegrounds to gear up or have fun. Most players who seek to join premades are normally people who had the unlucky pleasure of having to face one in a pug. If organized play is what you want, there are rated battlegrounds and wargames, the latter being a tool I feel I people rarely do.

I feel this same sort of problem relates to the new battleground brawl letting healers bring a plus one, solo shuffle lacks this problem. Why? Because you can’t queue in with others, you are playing with randoms with no communications other than in-game chat. Shuffle has been one of my favorite things because of this, you can safely solo queue and face other players in solo queues. Though as a dps, we do suffer a bit of a waiting room.

So what argument could I offer to help convince you heroes of war on both sides? Well it is very easy, the war between the Alliance and Horde is over, we shouldn’t have red versus blue battlegrounds! These might even be war crimes! Make battlegrounds all green versus gold to have a lore abiding game…

…unless, Chris Metzen wields his mighty pen and forces the narrative back to a more Horde versus Alliance feel! I would love this so much, but I would rather have the game we all play more fair and enjoyable for both sides.

It is an interesting solution, but I feel as though it would affect faction pride and even strategy. I play Alliance, but I don’t often PvP as Alliance due to my PvP preferences being on Horde (maps, strategy, etc.). Plus, a lot of people have heavy faction pride and would feel disjointed at being randomly assigned a faction in battlegrounds.




i always view myself as ogre. and the rest of the wow community mainly as the tri-lambs off branch the nerds create in the movie. go figure. also faction pride for me.

Congratulations on finally reaching level 13.

ty…congrats on whatever it is you have done. cant think of anything important but grats anyways


Damn you did him nasty like that… he deserves it, but straight for the jugular man :joy:

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More than you could possibly dream of, young man. :slight_smile:

It’s a terrible idea. Horde vs Alliance has been trodded out so many times

We need to move beyond Horde vs. Alliance.

These expansions alternating between friends and then enemies, and then back to friends, and then back to enemies, etc. gets old. It’s dividing a dwindling playerbase and holding back any meaningful progression in the storytelling.

That and there is no actual suspense.

Nobody can lose in a faction war because then you would alienate half the playerbase.

That and everybody knows if all the lore characters were actually allowed to be as powerful as they realistically should be then the horde would get smoked in a heartbeat.

malfurion,jaina,bolvar,turyalion,tyrande,valeria,velen are all obscenely op in lore and they are all ally.

Malfurion is as powerful if not even more powerful than illidan and illidan disenchanted gul’dan and kil’jeaden who are both extremely powerful themselves and btw if illidan was still around chances are he would be ally 2 cause the only 2 people he cares about on the whole planet malfurion and tyrande are both ally

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I don’t care about the story as much as I care about them bringing back faction assaults and more pvp and world pvp stuff.


yeah what the heck ever happened to that in bfa we were supposed to get pvp warfront or something .

Malfurion was almost killed by an axe to the back in BFA… I mean how powerful is he

Strong enough to create a tornado

And still easy to kill . Literally a bunch of horde assassins with axes can kill all the god like alliance when they are sleeping

Not when he’s actually paying attention.

There was a qoute in the war of thorns book that said saurfang knew he had no chance against malfurion.

Malfurion actually spared saurfang before saurfang backstabbed him

At this point there really is no contest, Horde lost a lot of their troops and characters. And the alliance has a spaceship with weapons capable of threatening an entire world.

Powerful enough to know when to hold 'em…and know when to fold 'em.

i dunno about ditching factions man, imagine having to heal a gnome while playing as mighty orc flex god, i let one live out in world pvp once and still havne’t gotten over it.