Premade Problem

So I just need to level an alliance from 1 huh? Great idea bud.

I shouldn’t have to make a premade to have an enjoyable time, nor should I have to vs so many in a row. Doesn’t seem like a player issue. It’s not even fun stomping a team, I want competition.

You sound salty bud, go somewhere else.


Outside of when I am in one of those discord preambles we lose. Folks are fishing and stuff.

Got a link to premade discord? I absolutely loathe AV when every game is a 40 minute slog.

“i want competition”

this would be more believable if u didn’t roll a horde warlock on a horde favored server, none the less the alliance’s premades should be plenty of competition for you to sink your teeth into

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I play on Benediction. It’s 55% Alliance - 45% Horde.

Guess it’s one of those “Let alliance have their time” type of thing.

You’d have to see retail Shadowlands to see that. Its abyssmal there, with literally 70 item level disparities between ‘geared’ and ‘fresh’ toons.

From what I hear (with friends on both sides there on Bene) since boost/portal opening the Horde have surpassed the Alliance there.

Limited data checks out:

Damn boosters! Face palm though. Still, about as close to equal as you can get.

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Both sides have this problem. It’s just worse as horde because of the queue time. Separate queues really wouldn’t help either. You’d be waiting all day for 1 match.

Chruuuuuuuuuuu kekw

I’m sure you didn’t buy the gladiator title or anything

Nah bud, I earned it with friends. You’re just trollin

Yes exactly, start from 1 on ally side if you want better Q time. Do arenas if you want fair competition. Do whatever you want, but don’t try to retail out classic. And believe me I am nowhere near as salty as I should be around your retail smelly ideas today.

It’s just an idea dude. No need to come in here getting upset. Been some good thoughts brought up so far. Keep it constructive. Going back to level 1 is not an option. We’ll be getting arena soon and skill will show. Skill definitely doesn’t show in these premades so far though. Warlocks back peddling casting seed of corruption and stuff.

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