Premade problem

nobody wants to here your life story dude XD you are trying to “brag” to people that don’t give a heck XD you do you nobody cares

I believe BLizzard dont have the skill or intention to do anything about pvp balance! premade is problem, how it matches up team, how put low geared in top end geared bg/arena/shuffle… Everything all over the place and whenever I ask them the only answer is to go on third party websites or forums… Plus BLizzard support insulting actions, gestures from opposition but when you do something they ban you…

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They are adjusting class balance more than I ever remember them doing… that’s something.


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There is a power imbalance but there always will be there will always be chads and people who are not. That gap is smaller in this xpac then it has been in a while cause of how easy it is to gear but yet everyone is still complaining

I try to remember to say power gap which encompasses gear gaps which isn’t caused by an inability to obtain gear it’s the difference in rate of gain. Power gap includes matchmaking and skill differences, both of which are worse now and class balance which is bad but is always bad S1. Gearing is fast but the gear gap was too wide to accommodate eccentricities in the queuing system like how matches are based on when you queue that can lead to 40 man teams fighting a group of randos.

We’re no longer the same game as we were in WoD. Even if we had a perfect template you can still have power gaps in matchmaking.

If you want to stop pretending Hydra isn’t dead go dig up Timothy Dalton and ask him to resurrect your premade

IF you were there you were probably there as a spy.

I just wanted to clarify something: JUGAA never paid anybody to snipe us, it was Vieksie, who received a suspension and a temporary forum ban for his troubles. I kind of lumped them all in one group but to be fair and clear, JUGAA NEVER PAID ANYBODY that was strictly Vieksie.

it’s no good. if you see a cheater with the team, just leave. i do this to avoid attention. best thing. see i dodge it. some people ruin the fun. it’s awful.

My hunter is on Tich. It’s my main now.

Yeah, they still owe money to people:

The impact of gear is smaller but the actual gap in player ability seems to have grown… a lot. I think a lot of people are running around not knowing how to play their characters and using very bad talents builds.

The new talent system puts a pretty big gap between someone running a good build and someone running a bad build. And, the people running bad builds aren’t generally the best players to begin with because it means they don’t research and test things so their overall game knowledge is going to be lacking.

Alliance generally has better players, whether they be alliance groups or horde mercs. There are a lot of glad/duelist premades on the alliance side and, of course, these groups are going to be running good builds. Gear has an impact, but even with both sides being in the same gear the side that is running good builds and has game knowledge is just going to roll over a team of PUGs with bad builds and less knowledge.

This isn’t something Blizzard can fix outsides of MMR for random BGs which isn’t going to happen… It’s on the players and it’s not going to change.


Don’t be a jerk. I see this in general chat. that is why I take thier sin away. it’s bad. teasing is not good. they got caught. so I don’t answer it and ignore it. they got tricked. They come lying to people 3 bad reasons. They lie, cheat and steal. shame on them. see that is why I fired them.

half the devs do it wrong and the rules needs to change. people got strict. it’s no good.

There is a lot they could do that would help that wouldn’t involve a hidden mmr though you’re right that the biggest power gap is skill and the fix for that is worse than the issue. Add tier to honor gear, recommended pvp talents, separate load in pages for different aspects of the game (not that it’d help just something I’d like), reduce maximum premade size, eliminate saltwater, go factionless for critical roles so teams and healers can be better distributed, break up countdown queuing, +10% healing abilities / -10% damage abilities.

Nothing so simple, it’d take more thought that’s mostly off the top of my head. Not trying to eliminate the gap, just reduce it so we don’t have as big of power swings.

Even forcing everyone to use the correct pvp builds wouldn’t really help. You can give someone a wall defensive, but if they don’t use it or use it at the wrong time they’re still going to die lol

I’m hoping that this season/expansion teaches players who never pressed defensives how important defensives actually are, and just because metas have been slower and more forgiving in the past/healers being able to save players who dont press defensives doesn’t mean walls don’t need to be used

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Use teamwork to overcome the enemies teamwork! :smiley:

It was an idea in the post I was responding to that the new talent trees might be causing issues with their learning curve, made sense. I think if they offer a variety of default loadouts it might prompt people to consider how pve and pvp talent choices are different or even how arena talent choices might be different. It’d be bad if Blizzard were trying to train dps, it’d just add another frustration both to them if they don’t figure it out before they leave in frustration and their team mates who can play well and still lose consistently.

the chads? playing a broken class then calling everyone else trash don’t make you a chad kiddo XD

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