Premade problem

Hunters be crazy. I think I averaged 12-13 KBs with more than 1 excursion above 20 (I steal your kills), sometimes I’d just be running through the enemy melting everyone. And I wasn’t the best hunter I saw, and locks usually out damaged me but what a kill stealing jerk I was.

I didn’t do it on purpose.

Ele/hunter/warlock/frost/arcane/devo can all take over a bg

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You know, I came to dps last and I had so many what just happened moments that I didn’t understand until I saw the process from the other side. You and Battlemaster and a lot of people are cool, I was glad to meet you which is why I stuck around even after I stopped playing.

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Sad thing is everyone I know is quitting

Bg’s just aren’t fun anymore, and with the healing nerfs coming next week (more hp with no more healing = a nerf to healing) MEH

I think I’ve done 3 bgs in the past 4 days (at max)

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Not quitting, taking a break. I never played S1 before, well, on 1 char typically but not more. It’s always a little goofy, maybe once tuning hits. I have another token and enough gold for more, I can always sell off some cool transmogs that no you can’t have :stuck_out_tongue:

Please don’t shoot me, again.

I mean the people I do bgs with

Even Joker hasn’t been enjoying bgs anymore (25k bgs played)

Charging and getting globaled before u can move turns out to be pretty lame

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Good that’s good that’s how warrior should be

Sorry t4

Your opinion doesn’t mean much after you challenged me to a 1v1 and never showed up

Your class can heal and mine can’t not any considerable amount anyway

2400 shuffler btw

Stay small t4

When I come back remind me, I’ll let you shopping spree. I haven’t priced them since bfa, don’t know if they’ve gone up or down but you can have the 50k and 100k patterns if I have more than one. Don’t expect there to be many but when you grind on all your alts you get some surprise multiples.

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This is how I feel about it rn.


Sad you’re horde =P

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Wtb real cross faction


This is exactly what I predicted would happen once the Shadowlands Duelist nerds could no longer roflstomp unranked players in random battlegrounds once gear was equalized.

Anyway, don’t let your rear end hit the door on the way out. :slight_smile:

it’s dumb now. we need better people to resolve this now. resign the bad people we need to go away. things need to cure it.

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holy paladin 10% lgiht of dawn buffs, WE’RE SAVED :joy: lmfao i cant

i don’t even bother putting it on my bars


I don’t like the idea of sync-queues at all and wish Blizzard would just break it. But especially in the evenings and on weekends it’s the main game in town and it’s going to be played whether we choose to participate in it or not. It’s like saying you won’t “play the game” at work, when the game is still going to be played and you’re just choosing to loose.

I’ve joined most of the main PvP communities here and there on my various characters. I’m not a member of any of them right now. I’m choosing not to play and just avoid epics when the sync-queues are running. Unless I need a win.


i see. then just wait. just do the quest that is right for you. the hard ones you can come back later. that is what i say. people hate the difficulty. that has to change.

i know how you feel. people get stressed out. take a break and think about it. when you do, take a deep breath.

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