Premade problem

All of them are decent apart from (60 only) I find. 60 only is mainly full of SL gear holders which end up being like 100 -150k hp … party syncers scale into that bracket with about 25k hp lol

61-69 is definitely more full of premades/syncers though


I feel OP in 61-69 but I still lose. It’s a weird feeling, I was camped more BGs than I won.

Did the moon tell you to come lose a wpvp engagement? That was kinda embarrassing… for you, trying to jump a group killing rares and get killed yourself.

We dove in to help Oat, we were actually queuing at that point still. We’re not afraid to die. We killed a whole bunch of your grp as well. We’re not ashamed of that. We defend our own.

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You killed one person lol, who got d/c’d.

the best thing to do is go away. DO NOT PLAY WITH PREMADES. they cheat. i avoid them not seeing them. i check on board before going. if it was them with guild, forget it. this is why unfair advantage.

no choice, but to forfeit the match. makes no good. see. i start a new one. it upsets people.

no one likes it. it’s the end of the world. people would die. not us are perfect. we get away sometimes retreating.

the premade problem is only exacerbated by the fact that everyones damage profile is bonkers and times too kill are way to fast. I mainly do bgs with 1 or 2 buds and all it takes is a premade that mobs and its gg. its not fun and bad competition and causes people to just quit because you cannot compete or fight back. the underlying issue is people die to fast because burst is out of control. pacing needs brought down by a factor of like 7 for this issue to be even managable because atm it untenable and killing the casual bg community.

this issue has been a problem since bfa, maybe legion btw but wasn’t as bad because people didn’t die as fast.

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At this point I think there’s so many different synced-group premades that it’s unusual to not encounter them in the evenings and weekends. The large communities have too many sync-queueing to fit in one match so they end up spread over pretty much every match for most the nights and weekends. If you’re a solo-queue then you have to learn to recognize names or behavior and make a business decision about whether it’s worth your time. I usually switch characters until I land in a playable match.


There’s enough communities sync-queuing on both factions that they might as well let people queue as a raid.

People premading vs. pugs aren’t exactly looking for a fair fight.

In the past, premade raids would dodge other premade raids. Some of them even sent spies in first to make sure things were safe for them.


Only Hydra ever did that btw. None of the other premade communities do that.

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That is true! But sometimes the best games are premade vs. premade.

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We’ve been BEGGING Blizzard for 18 years to give us the ability to queue up in casual pvp as a full 40 man premade. They stubbornly refuse to do it but all the through from WOD until this day the game is tilted to the point Alliance have 1 minute queues and Horde has 15+ minutes even with the racial boosts they gave Alliance to get more people to play. Casual PVP is not worth queuing for its so frustrating playing with players who have no PVP frame of reference much less bg mechanics. Alliance have ZERO PROBLEM getting 10 people into an Alterac Valley for example or IOC. Horde can’t get 10 in together. They promised us a return to WOD style PVP and there is NOTHING even slightly resembles WOD. In WOD Blizzard wanted our PVP community to attend Blizz-Con and compete against an Alliance Premade, but they decided the logistics were insurmountable. The technology exists today to do that. Allowing large scale premades would re-energize that part of WOW. Even in rated PVP, the R1 players are complaining it’s a waste of time to queue. If you are not already a R1 player you will never be under the current system. They have effectively squashed PVP. I’ve spent almost 19 years in this game in the PVP side of it (abhor PVE), including leading a 5K+ member PVP Community (Hydra Premades) that has nothing to do other than be frustrated. Blizzard doesn’t seem to lend any credence to what the player base has to say. Their psuedo Player committee for input were obviously not from the rank and file.

BTW: Hydra never dodged other premades. What we did do was dodge the snipers, the griefers, the people banned from the forums for offering to pay REAL money to snipe my main character. Hydra is the only PVP community that actually changed this game. Proof: check out the portals in the Alterac Valley start caves. They haven’t worked since Hydra farmed Alliance to 179 rage quits in one AV. Now we can’t even get a 10 man into a bg. Ruin can.

There’s literally video of your ventrilo where you’re dodging stormpike militia but continue living in your fantasy world lmao.

In WOD Blizzard wanted our PVP community to attend Blizz-Con and compete against an Alliance Premade,

This is the cherry on top of the cake. Hydra was utter garbage, to the point you had to have other guilds help you fight alliance lol. There’s absolutely zero chance they’d ask you mouth breathers to Blizzcon.

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Oh man i thought i was bad for holding on to my twink days

That guy needs to let it go lol

I’m assuming they use discord now. Idk. Hydra died like 3 expansions ago and zeelaraj keeps trying to post like they’re still relevant. Last time she popped up in any pvp content, she rage quit an IOC after she got corpse camped.

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We were “dodging” Jugaa and the crew that would literally pay people money to snipe us and queue into us. And it was never just SPM it would be our Hydra Traitors group, SPM, Mistwidgets group, 3-4 other premades grouping up with their top players to go against our mainly made up of pug premades. Go look at the video of us farming 179 rage quits. We named Ruin Run Gaming because they would literally drop group so they could phase out and get away from us. lol Come on now honey, let’s get real with this and no rehas OLD rivalries. Let’s come up with some NEW ones.

I’m just more amused that i wasn’t even old enough to learn english when ventrilo was a thing and this old guy is still trying to make 20 years ago when people were on dialup be relevant :joy: