Premade problem

By embarrassed he means Akatsuki challenged a forum dweller to a damage comp and then back down when I said okay lesh go.

Oh come on… what did you delete… come on… show at least a little bit of courage and spit it out. I wont bite haha, participation trophies galore in this forum

Probably because he realized you don’t have a level 70 and you wanted him to party sync down to your level.

Low level pvp is a children’s playground.

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Wait, that’s how it was supposed to be? I said I’d do it and dropped my btag but I have no interest in scaling down.


dood yuz sew sille

Fixed that for you :stuck_out_tongue:

But what would that prove? A synced player will have a template, it’s not a measure of skill comparing them vs a leveler. Could a scaled duel happen? Preferably a different bracket so they would both have templates. Might be more meaningful.

I don’t know, he just said that he would own me on the damage metres so I said lets give it a go.

He back peddled and put me on ignore lol. I don’t actually care, its just funny seeing forum people issue challenges then back down when someone says okay using xyz as an excuse.

We need dueling pens for these comparisons. dps isn’t really meaningful in this context, training dummies don’t stun you and counter your spells.

Just need a call-out thread tbh

t4 never showed up to our duel… what a wimp!


Why do people worry about death in game? You just res. I’d fight you. I’d lose but maybe I’d learn something. Knowing you you’d offer me advice after the fight :slight_smile:

He knows I’d take away his credibility on the forums if he lost

His ego here matters that much

Kinda whack tbh


“it wasn’t a real duel, 1v1s dont matter, you’re just weak, etc”, to name a few excuses

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He loses it if he don’t fight, he loses more in fact. I remember fighting the gladiator when I started in WPvP. He wiped me but he never bothered me again.

nah he’s just going to keep egoing people and will act like it didnt happen

it is wat it is :CCC

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I never understood epeen. I try to be myself. Within limits, nothing too identifiable this is the internet for cripes sake.

lol, it’s because there’s no point. You’re not worth it, kid.

But he started it Dad! haha x

Its kinda amusing seeing it though. Its a game and people have fun in their own ways. One of the ways I have fun in between BGs is to browse and post in forums.

The thing is, if Aka actually followed through and we had a damage off and he beat me, I wouldn’t make excuses I’d just say GG you played well. But he won’t even step up to his own challenge.

Then you have Worldpvp over here trying to troll, its hella amusing inbetween BGs :smiley:

What’s the good bracket now?