Premade problem

Yet here we are and you edited your comment over it… :wink:

I’ve made exactly zero edits to my comment. Did you take your schizo meds today?

Really isn’t a wonder why you consistently over the years have been one of the worst players I’ve ever encountered in the game, if you’re insinuating people are editing ghost comments lmao

I do what the moon tells me to do.

are we doing this t5 or what? I’m done with work

Edit: you bout to be t4


God dang, I can’t keep up with this battleground forum drama.

It’s like the same three to four people sit there for sixteen hours a day constantly hitting F5. :laughing:

No, i play games some times.

In the background! In the background…

Second monitor! second monitor…

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I like him alot more than you to be honest. And I dont like anyone.

Bro its already been proven no-one on these forums will. 95% of them have no back bone. All just hot air on here.

What was it you said earlier?

I have to question your sincerity, by bringing out insults that transcend the it’s a video game routine. You do not know said person so you sling insults to make a point yet when someone calls you out in an articulate manner.

You cry foul and thus try to bow out of the mess that you created.

You know what I call that? You are nothing more than a cyber bully who finds pleasure in causing undue discourse using the power of anonymity to try and throw your weight around.

I am going to give you the same advise, but given your obvious lack of integrity and character, coupled with your 14,000+ posts. I doubt you will change your strips.

My guess is that your display of honor in game is mirrored by your own personal lifestyle.

It is a Video Game:

“Watch your thoughts. They become words.
Watch your words. They become deeds.
Watch your deeds. They become habits.
Watch your habits. They become character.
Character is everything.”

I hold judgement on you, but I doubt much of what you have said recently will persuade me to think of you in a favorable manner.

Hope I am wrong but character is hard to hide.


Way bigger problem than premade are people that play like bots/are bots
Like surely there are not humans doing the absolute foolery I witness in BGs. I refuse to believe it.

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You really need to go outside more if you get this tilted over a forum post lol.

You can think whatever of me you like. Just don’t really care for your organization or some of its members.

Your not wrong. Its exactly as you described. He is just a forum bully that probably has alot of issues IRL. I hope he gets the help he needs tbh. Its sad to see a fellow gamer be such a messed up person.

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Had a guardian Druid go offense against the efc instead of carrying flag and also in the same game watch all 9 others in the wsg sit base d and still lose a flag cap while I went and tried to solo the veng dh and his 2 heals.

I’d like to think bots, but probably just bad players. Too many people who don’t understand how to rotate ccs or take certain specs out of fights.

i just got back from dinner and drinks with my neighbors, we do Friday Night Happy Hour and watch local bands play at a local watering hole… We share comrade, share funny stories and talk about our next adventures together.

Including our upcoming cruise vacation we are taking together.

So while I was out having fun, you were online here spewing toxic rhetoric at people who are mere impulses of electrons.

Is it I who needs to go out more? Or are you the type of bully who likes to call the kettle black, yet forget to scrub your own pot.

Going to bed now, waking up in the morning to hike a local trail with my son and his fiancee before I work on my car.

You are a cyber bully, and I have no qualms with calling you out for what you are.
I have no tolerance for cowards like you and if you want to make this a real life issue. This old man has no problem putting his chip on the table.

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Nah I was out for a five mile run.

What was that saying?

Judge not lest you be judged? Seems like it would apply to you pretty aptly.

Sounds like your backing down and back peddling again. Your getting good at that huh? rofl.

You just got rekt infront of all of us. Go grab an ice pack bud <3


Oh that clown posted again? I’ve had him on ignore since he embarrassed himself in that other thread. Poor thing