Premade Communities are now stacking BOTH sides, horde and alliance

The premades have been known to win trade before

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The premades have been known to cheat before

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There was the infamous bot banwave of 2015

Recently there’s been way more horde premades than alliance ones.

Holy cow, if you play your alli toons, you’re pretty much facing premades in epic BGs 7/24. Just avoid epic bgs if you’re alliance.

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Is this the delusion we now face from players upset other players are quing together?

You do realize that losing is not the end, but simply a reflection of how to improve yourself and your team.

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losing is not the end, but simply a reflection of how to improve yourself and your team

A bit of irony there


ill take “made up scenarios in my head” for 1000 please alec

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Oh, so you think you’re better than pug players? That’s interesting. But honestly, you’re not really better than us.


Not true, they exclusively play night elves of moon guard.

Wait… who are you?

90% of pug players do not understand how to even play their class correctly. Trust me… im a total casual player, not super de duper great, but most of the players/pugs are soooooooooo unprepared. There is this drive for more solo content which then they dont want to play with others, and then dont learn how to improve themselves. Then they get on the forums and cry about losing to a coordinated group. BANNN THEM AHHHHHH how dare they play together.

The same can be said when your in a premade facerolling your way to victory every time.

They don’t like auto losing to a group that is stacking 7-8 unbalance Druid’s and pretty much auto losing cause the matchmaking gave them 3 healers to handle that.


It isnt every time. I have solo qued and faced premades and the pug group stomped them. I have been in premade vs premade, and lost. Yall are only seeing things you only want to see and not the whole picture.

have you ever been in a premade and lost to pugs?

Of course I have LOL! Y’all think a premade is a guaranteed win….

It isn’t.

I suppose it’s possible to lose to PUGs, and I only started with the current crew back in October of last year, but I haven’t seen it personally. With enough good players and the right opening strategy some initial fights can be tough, but when that fight goes south for the PUGs 5-10 players typically drop out and take the deserter debuff and the people who stay lose momentum while the game back fills their roster.

If the fight doesn’t go south we’re perfectly willing to go where they ain’t and play the BG objectives, but then you’re looking at a slog and the PUGs get impatient… and 5-10 players typically drop out and take the deserter debuff and the people who stay lose momentum while the game back fills their roster.

That’s my (admittedly limited) experience. It’s not always that the PUG teams are awful, it’s just that 15-20% of them are defeatist and looking for the door at the first sign of adversity. That churn rate is hard to overcome.

This toon is pretty new, so you can see my EBG record and conclude (as some of you rightly note) we are far from invincible…but most of our losses come from the other EBG groups that we’re supposedly ducking. So much for that theory…

Not much of a theory when your ‘leader’ openly admits to dodging other premades right here on the forums, lol.


aw that’s sad

And maybe if you all hadn’t mass reported our leader off the forums they could respond. I only speak from my experience, my opinions are my own, and the mass ducking you’re talking about is just not happening…you won’t believe me…that’s okay.

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I’ve never reported your delusional ‘leader,’ but go off.

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If you are losing in a premade, I think maybe wow isn’t for you LOL