Someone else brought it up and I was being sarcastic.
doesnt mean you have to continue with it
It depends. There is of course room for them to continue to dominate those types of games with the exception of PoE nothing really challenges them. However I can imagine Blizz knows they need to change the formula for many of their games due to dipping player counts and subs. Would be smart of them to start branching out their franchises while keeping the originals nice and fresh.
I think it will be half life 3
Now this is big brain.
Why would it be necessary though, if Horde and Alliance are racially exclusive? Seems like a redundant change to make to the character select screen for no reason.
That branching out is likely to include mobile titles and we know how people who fail to think logically will take that. That’s not to say they shouldn’t expand pc titles, but reality is the future is mobile… atleast for the forseeable.
Nah. Genn’s thing is with Sylvanas. He said so.
But Tyrande’s thing is with the Horde too.
She said “if the wolf is rabid, it matters not who rides it. Sooner or later the beast will bear it’s fangs”.
AKA “regardless of leaders, the Horde is bad”.
I would give so much to see one of the devs get on stage, and then publicly give support to the HK protesters, then just the faces of the other devs at the moment it is said!
as i’ve said before I just want them to announce a new expansion. this expansion is the first one where i have taken breaks of more than a month during the time. done with these type of azerite/artifact systems
I predict a sea of Winnie The Pooh Costumes.
Oh for sure some of the new games will be mobile. That market is ripe for the plucking. But I think just in general it would be nice to see new games based off their established franchises but on different genres then usual. For example I would love to have seen the Starcraft Ghost game that was cancelled.
That will never happen. This is the wrong forum to chat about that. Byucknah specifically made a post about this just a few minutes ago.
I think this is how they are going to keep the cycle “broken.”
My beef with the horde is more or less with sylvanas, i dont see why any more characters from the factions need the villain bat.
I still think one of the greatest issues with Sylvanas’s character is in the fact that much of her character growth and change has been within the books. That and she just hasnt told us what her plan is thus making players even more annoyed with her because she is just sitting there playing 4D chess making others feel dumb
- New expac reveal: player housing, partial world revamp, new race or class
- Diablo 4
- New IP peek? Or a new Overwatch game that is really different and more complex than current game.
- New Hearthstone stuff
- Some phone game to take in Asian bucks
I WISH they would reveal an Overwatch MMO because that would be cool but they probably won’t. RIP Titan project.
Imagine if they bring back that Overwatch MMO. That would be nuts and would friggin blow the top off of the convention center. I just wish we knew exactly why it was axed in favor of current Overwatch which isnt bad at least to me but I would love to see what the Overwatch MMO aka Project Titan even looked like
God. Willing. I will play for countless hours! That Lady Nightborne booty is within striking distance!
The true enemy.
That and I will literally give my soul for the opportunity of playing an expac with the return of the lich king as well as a old god focused expac.
everyone gets cell phones