Predict what we will be called next expansion

And we’ll all get a couch mount at the start of the expansion.

Since it’s hinted that we will probably deal with Yrel/Turalyon/the Light, I predict they will call us Warriors of Darkness

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WoW 2: Overwatch style.

Most illuminating!

oh easy. “champion”.

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I would be fine just being called by our class choice. Tired of being a Champion, rather we just have a standard title so that it feels like we are fighting more besides other brave companions (heh) instead of being “the” hero… again.

hopefully “the former champion, RIP”

and we’re all forced to reroll and start over again

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Well if they keep rolling out this kind of content. The NPCs will call us “Meal Ticket”

We need an inexplicable Western-themed expansion so NPCs will call us “pardner”. :horse:


And you’ll be able to get White Russians as a drink choice.


Cause we will be the captain of a space traveling vessel, like the exodar ship or the burning legion one, but our own class version.

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“Hey, you. Yes, you.”



I like the sound of that.

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I don’t care what they call me, so long as they call me.


Jailbreakers or Timegated heisting survivor

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Mall-walkers, especially around vendors.

Legendary super Saiyan…but worse cause it’s gonna be Magni shouting “It’s the Legendary super Chaaaaampiiiion!”…

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Visions of Argus.

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