Predict the Heritage Armor

Tophats for Worgen.

Nothing else. Just a tophat.

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Their heritage armor should just be Children of Arugal’s Regalia, and it should just be a loin cloth & some forearm spikes like the vanilla Worgen model.

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Sure, so long as I can also have a tophat.

Genn should just mail every Alliance player a celebratory tophat after Sylvanas is deposed.


Blizzard. Make this happen.

I’m guessing the Pandaren might get something Shado Pan themed.

They of course would have to add onto it but I can definitely see their heritage armor being based around the Shado Pan. They could have tigers all over their armor lol.

Trolls will probably be either Witch doctor themed or Shadow Hunter themed.

Id LOVE if Night Elves could get a Warden themed heritage set. But Wardens are all female so that wont happen. Instead they will probably get something like this…

Except improved! We might also get this…
Id be happy with either.

Goblins could get something sapper themed!

I mean who wouldn’t want an explosive barrel as the back piece!

As for the rest of the races…

Dreanei will most likely get something with big shiny purple crystals.
Worgen will probably get a nice fancy coat and top hat.
Humans will get something boring.
Orcs will get something with huge spikes.
Forsaken will probably get something with lots of skulls.


My prediction is Pandaren will be completely forgotten like they are now.

Ion will have a Q&A two years from now patting himself on the back because “We just completed Heritage armor for all races, happy days!” Then one of the Questions will be: “Ummmm, Pandaren still haven’t received their heritage armor”

A Blizzard rep from the background will enter the camera, whisper something in Ion’s ear and Ion will say “Oh right, the Pandas… Ummm, we are still working on it.”

And we will never hear of it again.


They have already shown off the tauren and gnome ones:

As for the draenei probably will have crystals on it or something.

Nah, if I was going full racist it would be a rice farmer straw hat with a black silk Chinese kung fu su- oh wait…


Now that’s funny.

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Night elf: Skimpy lingerie and shoes that look like mailboxes.

Goblin: Upside down visor on the side of the head, puka beads, tight white tanktop, cargo shorts with way too many pockets, ankle socks with sandals, and a tattoo in Thalassian they think says “Peace” but actually says “Dumb beans”.

Worgen: Just a collar.

I hope Orcs just get loincloths.

I wanna show these muscles off to my maximum potential!

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If that first set is implemented, that would be the first mog where the gents have less coverage than the ladies. Blizz, bring it on and I will not take “no” for an answer

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