Preach A Conversation w/ Ion... Additional Thoughts

attaching abilities to the covenants is just so bad. you’re telling me that my DK, which should want to join the necro covenant for it’s theme and lore, has to play with fairies and a farm to finally have some mobility? and this is good for the game? no thank you.


Next it’s gonna be “we want holy warlocks; and physical damage mages” because there is no permanence and everything is fickle!

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More layers is not better. More systems is not better.

BFA has the most systems we’ve ever seen and it is terrible.

Add more options to “build” via gear. You do not need to add a million new systems that basically just equate to an extra class-locked super trinket.


It’s a good thing this isn’t real life then.

Legion class halls did a great job.

No trust me they really aren’t some are a lot aren’t

Imagine being this wrong lol. All Ion did was regurgitate the same “This is our goal in theory” stuff that he does in every interview, where everything looks great on paper but in reality and historically it’s been a complete failure, I’m not sure what video you were watching.

Preach also called him out repeatedly on past mistakes and what they were going to do to make sure that they didn’t repeat them. He was the one in complete control in this interview, you are beyond delusional.


No, don’t. Stop contributing the ruining of shadowlands. This isn’t needed now. Blizzard is making a huge mistake. AGAIN. how can you all not see how this is exactly like azerite traits. We had this god damn same conversation last time and we were right and you all were wrong. Blizzard went ahead with the system and it remained broken all expansion. I can’t fathom how you guys are ok with feeding blizzard with the drivel that allows them to throw this game in the trash.


Exactly, after this song and dance twice now its like pushed me to that point of ok im out. I do not want another 2 years of bfa 2.0 legion 3.0 with these cluster heck systems. I guess im too old school for this game anymore i miss when tier sets were the added bonus and no systems were needed cause it was in the BASE class. You didnt have to earn your class entire expansion just to make them, ok.

If you can’t swap easy then people will make 3 chars all of the same class for each covenant.

To much of a pain, if their choice is inferior to other covenants players will figure out a work around. Its a matter how hard u decide to make it for them.

I’m done with these dumb grinds, the azerite grind made me ditch BFA after a month. Stop wasting our time blizzard it won’t make us stay longer just quit earlier.

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It’s beyond me too man

Imagine being happy that a slice of the player base will remain not happy with while something is rolling out in some hopeless attempt to fix a “problem” that they will never be able to fix

If anything this is just giving me a reason to now inspect peoples talents to vet them to make sure I’m not queuing up with someone who is clueless

Something I haven’t done since BC

Only maximum tryhards would ever level 4 of each class and more importantly gear all of them now that m+ only drops one item.
I can understand world first raiders do that, but anyone else is just a tryhard that refuses to play the game even Ion has pointed out.

The more tryhards quit, the better the game, people who are psychologically UNABLE to do content without being optimal in said content only bring toxicity and negativity to the game, so by leaving you are improving the game.

And with a new wave of people coming in shadowlands, I feel the retention of casual rpg fans will be far bigger than the wannabe elitists that will be posting ragequiting thread in the forums.

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You have presented nothing but a bunch of your own generalized assumptions. let me see the statistics. Cause I know many casual players that only do LFR that have multiple chars of the same class.

This idea that only the 1% tryhards care is not true at all, psychologically a bunch of bs. Just because other players want to play the game differently or optimally in their own way doesn’t make them toxic tryhards.

Too bad the lead dev of the game told you they are designing the game where you have strengths and weaknesses and can never and should never be optimal for all situations, it is an RPG after all.

If you dont like how the game works, you should probably not play it, Ion destroyed your “different way of playing” argument, that way of playing isnt welcome and is getting destroyed unless you are a maximum tryhard and level 4 of each. (Which like I said, only tryhards would because anyone not in the world first never needed to be optimal at everything)

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Can we bookmark this response so if he is ever complains about anything ever again we can refer back to it is how Ion designed it

If you don’t like how the game works you discuss it and get the devs to change their mentality which is exactly what is happening. Nothing is set in stone, blizz has a habit of not keeping their word, they always do things partially.

Who’s to say what is or isn’t welcome, theres always ends up being an optimal way to play the game. Blizzard making it excessevily hard dosn’t solve anything.

If you want to not play optimally no one is stoping you from doing that. If you personally want to stick to a covenant and RPG it up no one is stopping you. Why do you feel that its necessary to try and dictate how other’s play the game?

The only toxicity and negativity brought to the game is when other players try to control how other’s decide to play the game like what your doing.

The lead dev as well as the core design of the game.

If you dont like that, then you should probably not be playing the game which core design you dont like.

It will dissuade many tryhards who are not gonna level and gear 4 of each and instead they ll be forced to play the game the way it is supposed to be, with STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES, no being optimal at everything : )

Oh you mean like how people attack non meta slaves or refuse invites even though the person they refused is more than competent enough for the content required?
Or in the forums when every time someone mentions they arent meta slaves someone people jump and tell them they are “gimping themselves” or “dragging down their team” which again are false statements since any spec can do even mythic since the game is balaned well enough to achive that.

But I know tryhards cant rly compete so they are gonna try stack 5x fire mages for example which doesnt show much skill anyway lol

This dude is a meta spec aside from 1 talent and he has me on ignore because I’ve disagreed with him about the whole premise of this

I’m currently playing a spec that is so far off my classes meta it isn’t even funny

Don’t use his talents, don’t use bis traits, don’t use bis stats and I’ve got this guy preaching stuff about how people should play what they want and how this system is good for punishing min maxers and how we are all sheep

We’re actually going in the opposite direction if you hadn’t noticed.

The test wasn’t to compare suboptimal specs to optimal specs. It was just to see how it was as a “new” player to get into groups.

So actually… his test worked sorta in his favor in this context. He got groups… by playing the most optimal spec at the time…

People can always play how they want. If people want to play optimally than that’s just another version of how people want to play in their own way.

I’ve been playing with players for 15 years . Many don’t care about raiding or pvp. They just like questing and they make up their own builds and they work well enough for what they like to do.

If there is only 1 optimal way to play the game then blizzard failed at designing the game. Blocking off the optimal way for those that made an initial bad choice at the start is what people are worried about.

Its really a matter of players have zero faith in blizzard’s designing ability and there will end up being 2 horrible convents and if u didn’t pick the good one at the start your done for.