Pre-made Epic Battle Grounds Need to Stop + Buffs and Revamps (Community Council Requested)

Definitely true for the initial big clash but after that there’s lots of room for smaller group fights and 1v1s on the road. Because the games are 40v40 the individual is a bit less impactful on the overall outcome so there’s less of a chance your team will lose because you felt like experimenting.

Yes! Personally Id like to see them tune the Epic BGs we have, Tune classes that are over performed and underperforming then shut down these premades in Epic BGs and Casual BGs, there’s no place for them in game currently maybe someday Blizzard can find time to create a game mode for it but right now it’s harming the future community of PvPers.

I think they might just be to afraid to come out and tell us plainly that PvP has been and will continue to receive the bare minimum amount of tuning and updates going forward, with their silence people have been giving them the benefit of the doubt that they’re just incompetent and they’re hopeful that eventually things might change. PvP has always gotten by with less if they just tuned things a bit more regularly and added a few more things it would be all set for years to come.

Yeah the racials could use a second glance I agree. Seems like they’re more important for arena but it’s obvious some are waayyy better than others.

They announced a new BG maybe EBG for the new xpac but if the Premade situation isn’t dealt with and if PvP class tuning is as bad as I expect it to be with all the new Hero Talents at launch it will be met with complaints in the likeness of “Why not fix what you have first” and those complaints would be well founded regardless of how well received a new BG would be.

Hopefully just getting more players into the game mode will help with some issues. Thanks for your response, that was pretty much what I was thinking as well.

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We’re hotdog water :sob: Blizz ignores us so bad we can’t even be sure if they don’t know or don’t care.

I’m huffing tons of copium for PvP in the next expansion but I’m skeptical, also beginning to think the Community Council will manage to ignore this post despite all the links to their forums I attached.


Well pass some of that copium my way, I have a feeling we’re going to need it, since this stuff if probably only going to get worse.

How exactly do people premade Epic BGs. Last I was aware, you could only do 5. Not a super big Epic BG player, so I would just like to know how this is possible before posting. I think stating how they’re doing premades would be a good way to attack it. Or are you stating 5 people alone can turn the tide in these BGs because of how easy some bosses are to kill?

they get a bunch of 5 man groups to queue together, hit accept at the same time, and it’s as easy as that to get 30-40 people into the same epic.

ya so FYI. there is currently 5+ alliance queue sync premades and 1 horde one farming pugs 24/7 using this method. all of them refuse to fight each other too. such baloney.

So the best way to combat it would be by actually buffing bosses and bases in IoC that are very underwhelming right? Probably not very possible to monitor groups queueing at the same time to get into the same BG.

Not sure how that would help when the PuG people would be dealing with the same thing lol.

I really do appreciate your response and consideration on tackling this issue, and I would encourage you to if you can stomach it try to read through everything here since some of the comments above paint a clearer picture.
From what I’ve seen in the CC Forums you’re one of maybe 3 people willing to mention PvP and the posts are ignored by the rest of the Council at large and Blizzard as well, you’re gonna need some help on this one. This probably isn’t the biggest issue in PvP there are so many that just haven’t been addressed for so long it’s hard to compare but I hope you’ll consider tackling not only this one problem but several others I’d be happy to list out for you.
Since it’s gonna be hard enough to garner attention to one Forum post let alone have all these issues addressed, the best approach is probably to pull back the curtain and show Blizzard how many problems there really are, how long they’ve been left unfixed and how simple so many of them really are.

This is just 1 issue, and IT IS HAPPENING IN REGULAR BATTLEGROUNDS AS WELL NOT JUST EPICS. This issue has a lot of baggage attached to it since we’re talking about maybe 9-15 Communities with a presence here on the Forums who some seem to have beef with each other to the point where one guy has even been SWATTED from what I hear over their beef. I get wanting to play with your friends and how much fun a well coordinated Epic BG is since I’ve played in them and against them. They’ve been unfortunately exploiting a loophole and stomping the general community who stand little to no chance and they’re wasting peoples time and harming PvP on a more casual level and the PvP community is struggling enough as it is. This has been going on for a long time.

Epic BGs are 1 problem that has been going on for a long time but has got even worse as more people started doing it and less players overall are participating in PvP as a whole. My post was mainly to point out the issue the solutions are up to Blizz but this guy here can likely give you more information on these communities how they do it and why it’s an issue as well. From what I can tell most of the Communities are on Alliance due to less people queing it’s easier to sync que times and it helps them get que pops on demand since ques are longer.

This guy Trustlvlfour summed up some of the issues nicely and how it all works.

One such addon is Battleground Commander

This last quote echoes my sentiment on how these are fun and truly Epic when fully handpicked teams go against eachother but they are farming up obscenely high honor levels at other players expense.

There exists already in game the ability to put together 30V30 Wargames where these Communities can and already do compete against eachother without random players being caught in the crossfire sometimes when they can agreed to and aren’t too chicken to. Stomping uncoordinated pugs is just deplorable. If Blizz could find a way to prevent these premades from forming and allow 40V40 wargames we’d be all set, everyone could have their way minus stomping unprepared pugs. Likewise with Regular Random Battlegrounds.

Buffing the Bosses and tuning the Epics is a separate issue one that should be done regularly as seasons progress, every single EBG is waaaay out of balance. But the Premades are a separate problem although they do exploit the poor balance, Epics are just in a horrible state.

I’d be willing to type up a less crazy and all over the place list of why Premades are a problem, how they’re doing it and list the issues with the Tuning and Balance problems for each EBG if it helps since I know there is a lot of material here.

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here’s the thing, this EXACT same thing happened in classic and what did blizz do? they changed the queue system to break up epic premades and it worked…so as to why they can’t do the same thing in retail, you tell me?

as to actual bg updates, yes, they need to scale up mobs/vehicles to account for the mad power creep. they did it at the start of the expansion and haven’t bothered doing it again which sucks.

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Okay, I will look more when I am off work and have the time.

I just think preventing people from playing with 4 other friends isn’t the best way to go about it. I don’t really do epics besides when it’s the weekly, and do it with friends then. If it’s more than 5 I can see the argument. Like I said though, I’ll read more into it when I’m off later on.

5 People is Blizzards chosen and accepted number. These Communities are filling groups with 30+ people and using Discord to coordinate farming unsuspecting players for honor/conquest and easy wins. They’ve been stacking the deck and in Regular BGs they’re que syncing full teams, not just 5 people.

It sounds like this might not be your area of expertise but that’s alright what matters is if you’re willing to help. If there are others on the CC that want to get involved hopefully you can get them to chime in, likewise I’m happy to work with you on this in any way I can be of assistance.

I’ve been watching for years as Blizzard turns a blind eye to the obvious and simple issues related to PvP and I’ve decided to try to take matters into my own hands since nothing is being done. If you’d like to chat on Discord or some other platform for Privacy and ease I can make myself available.

I’m not going to go all super nerd and make you uncomfortable or be rude. I manage the Maintenance Department of a large Masonry and Landscaping company, and I’m capable of working on and discussing this with you in a professional manner like I do with all the company clients on all kinds of matters. I’m happy to be of assistance on this in any way I can. Enjoy your evening at work.

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NPCs and vehicles need to be buffed (tuned). However, there absolutely needs to be a check on groups syncing into epic BGs and facing pugs instead of other premades. It should not be difficult to, at the very least, have synced groups face equal synced groups with soloers filling in the rest of the slots. Otherwise, games should be soloers vs. soloers (pug vs. pug).


I’m sure you’re busy individual, and again I’d like to thank you for speaking up on the CC Forums page regarding the class tuning we just saw.

You’ll see I responded to some of your questions of Epic BGs being a problem in one of my comments above this one where I quoted you.

I’ve taken the liberty of writing this up for anyone and everyone who might be interested in educating themselves on the issues plaguing PvP, in one of my tabs you’ll find a more organized version of this post related to Epic BGs and Premades, I highly suggest if you plan to tackle this issue using my new and revised post as your source for information, since I tweaked it to make it much easier to read. I can’t stress enough that Premades are not the only issue and if you’d be willing to shed light on the other issues I detailed in this post the PvP community would be eternally greatful. Thanks.

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Thank you very much for going to the trouble of writing this all up!

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You’re most welcome! I paraphrased it and shortened it up and added more specifics to the Premade sections of my other post the “PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard” as well as a possible solutions tab!

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