Power Overwhelming PvP

Enhancement shamans;
Dont forget to go back to the roots and use your totems anytime you can fit them in.
Grounding and Counterstrike totems, 3rd Wind Totem and earthbind totem. Reflex.

Thundercharge will give you a SIGNIFICANT reduction on StormStrike main hand power attack’s COOLDOWN. (1/2 time)
Bind to key R for Re-Charge.


Potion of swiftness:(+50%speedFOR15sec):40count@9-19gp each
Cant use spirit walk and potion in conjunction with eachother. Use one first then the other after effects wear off.
CAN be used with other speed boosting effects granted by SPIRIT WOLF.

Spirit walk:
If available, this has a chance, depending on the action, to BREAK FREE of movment binding effects.

use speed to your advantage.
Use totems to impare opponents speed and boost yours.
Assess the enemys damage on you. Purge if you feel you should be doing more damage than you are and dont be too proud to fall back and coose a different target if they hit too hard. flee the area or get some backup.

lol youll still get rekt by decent players trust me ive tried. The spec is complete garbage right now for pvp.

Nice name.

Read the summary. If you get “reckt” its cause you stood there and took the entirtey of the damage instead of using your speed to manage incomming damage

oh im sorry… I forgot that Monk,Rouge,Druids, Mage, Warrior and almost every other class can easily catch up to you and rekt your face… but hey atleast we have a 1.5 min def that only migates 40% of dmg and lasts 6 seconds… ill try harder next time senpai. Honestly if you are still playing enhance in pvp I really do feel bad for you. Its time to reroll boyo


We do OK in battlegrounds. I was dueling my brother’s DH yesterday and he was destroying me. I’m ilvl 412 and he was 387.


yeah it basically boils down to us lacking survivability and lackluster heals. in bgs, if not focused, we can dish out some punishment, but when in more of a dueling scenario, it’s light’s out for us.

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The problem is with the whole if not focused thing. As an enhancement shaman you will always be focused because of shamans history of being a squishy melee with little to no defensives, thats why they have always been kinda bleh in battlegrounds.

I honestly feel like if shamans had a melee tank spec they would still be focused in bgs because people are just so used to seeing blue amd focusing for the quick kill.

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Just to reinforce this:

I have no experience in arenas but I have good intuition. I joined up with a friend at the start of BfA to see how 2’s Arenas could do.

At the start of the arena’s being similarly matched we did 5 rounds.

Each of those 5 rounds I, as an Enh Shaman, tried to do anything to get them away from me; my hunter friend tried to peel them off of me. Nothing worked. They just tunnelled and bricked me.

Every. Single. Arena.

And that is why I don’t do arenas.