Powderburn is overcome with boredom

1 hour in this AV. 0 bonus, very little rep, and now 0 honor from kills. Ricky and Craig say they are still having fun. But I happen to know they are insane.

Some people don’t know what rush Snowfall means. They split the group. Doomed from the start.

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Sounds like Powderburn doesn’t like PVP, but likes reaching carrots.

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It gets ugly real quick when everyone does their own thing in AV.

Could be worse.


I was in your AV. You guys had a human warrior who went 1-72. She would charge in and then just stand there…

We had a rogue who would stealth walk everywhere and randomly engage alliance when clearly outnumbered. Never mounted a single time.

It was odd.


I think after about 45 minutes people just run out of creative ways to win and just stay in the dog pile and kill or get killed. Others just go off to random places and do things like fish or kill harpies.

those are honor grinding bots

warriors that res and charge in and die over and over til rank is achieved

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