Pots/Phials/Ect Item Rank Macro

Is it possible to make a macro that will use the lowest available rank of a given phial (or potion, or rune, ect) that’s in my bags?
Ie: If i have a rank 1, and several rank 3 phials, 1st push uses the rank 1, subsequent pushes use the rank 3s.

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I think wow defaults to the lowest quality you have in your bag already, so if you have a macro like
/use Phial of Glacial Fury

And you have 2 star and 3 star phials, it will automatically use the 2 star version until you don’t have anymore and then it will switch to the 3star phials.

If that isn’t happening, you can use the item id with the item:
For example,
Phial of Glacial Fury, 1 star, item id 191333
Phial of Glacial Fury, 2 star, item id 191334
Phial of Glacial Fury, 3 star, item id 191335

/use item:191333
/use item:191334
/use item:191335

If you have any of the lowest quality phial, it will use that first and the shared cd “protects” the others from being used. Once you run out of the lowest quality it will go onto the next quality you have and use that, etc… Unfortunately the item count will only show for the lowest quality since it’s listed first.

NOTE: to get the item id for the different “Phial’s of Glacial Fury” search wowhead
and the item=191333 is the specific item id
I think there’s also an addon for item id’s too.


Hey, that’s awesome! Thanks for this, I’ll give it a try after the reset! =)