Post Your Season of Pandaria Main!

lol, I use the same 4-5 mogs on all my toons usually.
I just make different versions of each one.

what in tarnation is this lingo? I’m old soul…

Mmm bye dad :wave:t2:

Is it Sunday already?


Wow didn’t expect this type of hate from a fellow BE Queeen :biting_lip:

Will probably make a draenei monk to run through it first, just trying to come up with a name for him to save today for next week.
After that, probably take some low levels I have already and delete and remake for it, velf rogue, nelf druid, ds troll monk, undead warrior and z troll hunter on the list of possibilities.
Also depends on how quickly one can get through it after the first one to see how many alts I level and maybe log into the wife’s account and run one through it for her as well for the mogs and mounts. We shall see…
I am excited though!!

Ugh. Highschool “queens” sooooo Dramatic and self-centered.
Waiting for that glow-up Hunny. :nail_care:

I will be rolling a human 'lock so I can add a tailor to my toons on thrall. And to collect mounts via bronze. I curse Daddy Blizz for adding all the extra mounts and making me level another alt :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::confounded::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::dizzy_face: . Not sure what name to use because I never thought I’d have to do this again. And then I’ll have to swap her to LFD so there’s more blizzbucks gone. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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Ugh saaaaaame :weary::pleading_face::hot_face:

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I’m not sure, honestly. The thing that’s gonna suck a bit for a lot of people is the ‘morning after’ effect when they all collectively remember that Remix characters are locked to Remix/MoP and can’t actually interact with the rest of the game until it ends. So these alts won’t be able to do any level 70 DF stuff or really anything that most players generally use alts for until…what was it, August?

Probably gonna roll another druid (this will be #4 for me). Reason being is I can play any role needed and they’re fun (obviously). Most likely nelf.

Name him FurryLoverxd queen :nail_care:t3:

I thought about a druid but 1) want a humanfor the rep bonus while it lasts 2) already have 2 druids. My limit is 2/class, have hit it with druids and shammies. This will give me 14 alts and at least 1 of every class I’ll ever play. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Once I heard about the rep change coming in tww I freaked out and I’m going crazy trying to get my Insane title now! (pun intended).

Manbearpig if available. If not we’ll go with Hobbes (if available).

Say more :flushed: do I need to reroll to a burly male human Paladin??

Depending on how long it takes to level the main alt and then additional alts, I plan on leveling quite a few through it. So that means the first one will get to 70, and then sit, while I level more. I also have many alts already sitting at 70 I don’t do anything outside of transmog and mount runs, and some just sit until next xpac, so really a few more sitting at 70 won’t make much a difference to me. I only speak for myself though.

I remember there being some reputation gate in the Vale…either Golden Lotus or August Celestials had some gate interaction. I remember you had to get a certain rep with one before you could start the other, but Daddy Blizz may have changed that. HMP is certainly a good trope to go with though. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Yuck would be totally un-fetch for blizzo to rep gate a limited event :no_good_woman:t2:

I would venture to say that most of the people looking forward to Remix aren’t expecting, or even wanting, to play these guys in DF. They are either doing it strictly for the collections (See the Plunderstorm scenario) or because they are interested in how it will all play out, or b/c they love pandaland. So, I don’t agree with the idea that a lot of people will be “smacked by reality”.

“The longer it takes the better it is for the investors players”. I just don’t put it past Daddy Blizz to keep it annoying. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil: