Post your Panda Here

No I don’t want to post panda stuff

Isn’t that supposed to be me? :wink:


hiya! i am panda

Someday Blizzard will put the monk healing back into a state I actually like and this character will live again. Until then… he waits… and I play healer alts that I don’t particularly like.

Posting in an epic panda thread. :panda_face:

This is Tovi.

This is also Tovi.

Tovi third time.

If you drink enough ale and squint, I look like a panda.

Hollydream-Mannoroth is my only Pandaren (Alliance); dues to dominance of Human versus Blood Elf & Troll.

Behold, I am a panda.

Some Panda selfies from Icecrown and Black Temple



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Not only my panda, but my main too 8)

Hello! I am actually obsessed with pandas in real life, so this thread makes me happy :heart::panda_face:

I volunteer my Zug Zug services to all the female pandas in here. Free hugs too.

If you drink enough Vodka I look like Chris Hemsworth… wait… I’m disguised as an Elf, I already look like that XD.

You can tell Illidan is thinking: “Wait, this isn’t Tyrande!”…

One firey boi checking in.

My panda created when MOP was out.

My Panda