Would you rather be in a well-established guild that consistantly gets CE let say 5 months into a tier, or would you rather take your chance in joining a fresh new guild comprised of top US 10-100 raiders that are guaranteed to get CE way before that time-mark? I have been raiding for a while in various different types of guild…guilds that put so much stress on reaching for US 100 but have horrible leadership and guilds that dont aim for ranks yet reach within the US 100 range without struggling. We are forming a guild where we can progress as fast as possible as efficient as possible relative to other top end guilds while enjoying each other’s company. Many people are opposed to joining new guilds, but i think it would be wise for you to take a look at our goals. If you are interested just check out our post, [H] That's My Cousin 7/10M|T/W/Th 9pm-12am EST