(post deleted by author)

Still looking for 2 more!

Bump help us out ppl :slight_smile:

Bump again

Bump bump bump it up :notes:

You guys should give us a shot. Its worth it :wink:

Hello, I am interested in joining. I have previous expansion raid exp (took a break for DF and SL). I have an Arcane mage and would like to jump back into raiding. Feel free to message me on discord Fidgetz#8292

Thanks for reaching out Fidgetz! Ill send you a message soon.

Time for a bump

Looking for just afew more raiders. Expanded class roles available. PST!

Bump. Need healer and dps

Almost there! Looking for 2 more!

Bump! just need 2 melee dps! lets clear some raids and have some fun doing it

Older player recently returned back to the game on my Enhance Shammy is looking for a home and to eventually get back into raiding with a consistent, friendly, drama free group. Robbay#11940 – Btag

Thanks for reaching out! I’ll shoot you a FR now and we can discuss the opportunity!

Bump Bump Bump it up!