Possible Beast Cleave Bug

My main pets beast cleave is doing twice the damage of my secondary pet. It also says that he’s hitting around 300 times more, even though they have the same amount of Stomp hits, so the numbers dont really add up. I was wondering if this is a bug, because I feel like I could be outputting a lot more dps if it weren’t for this issue.

While 300 times more does sound a bit weird, I would say that either your other pet isn’t sticking to the target, or it’s just the fact that your main pet Beast Cleaves with it’s Basic Attack(Bite/Claw/Smack) as well, something that the second pet isn’t doing because it can’t use it.

Unless something’s been changed…

I already ruled out the fact that the pet isn’t sticking to the target because they have basically the same amount of hits and dps from Stomp. As for that second point, it’s a possibility, but would that really cause such a significant damage increase that it causes it to double the damage in just 300 more hits?

Isn’t the talent Animal Companion supposed to be bugged in that it reduces the pets’ dmg by splitting up the whole dmg?

I mean, people keep saying that BM hunters running Torghast should not run with Animal Companion for this reason…

(Unless this is a separate issue, which, good to know about.)

Here’s a small screenshot of a AoE-test I did versus Swarm Training Dummies in the covenant sanctum. In short? Yes.

Fight duration: 4min 45 sec.
Targets: 3 Swarm Training Dummies

Beast Cleave hit count for my main pet(Sambas): 724
Beast Cleave hit count for my 2nd pet(Nahak): 568
Basic Attack(Claw) hit count for main pet: 88

A fairly short fight, though the Beast Cleave hit count difference was only 156. The exact number would be higher if the fight had been longer. It would also differ depending on the number of targets you hit during the fight, this example is only based on fighting 3 targets.

Edit: If you count for the fact of how I was fighting 3 targets, Claw hitting 1 and Beast Cleaving onto the other 2, then that more or less makes up for the difference in Beast Cleave hits, that being 156. It’s not an exact match ofc, it can vary depending on if all pet attacks actually hit all 3 targets every time or not.


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That’s perfectly normal, and Ghorak’s reply is correct. The second pet doesn’t get any pet abilities, so it doesn’t have Basic Attacks.

No, but that’s also not the reason why Animal Companion is bad for Torghast. That’s because having two pets splits the damage so your tanking pet gets less leech healing (the second pet’s leech gets wasted because it isn’t tanking anything).

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Animal Companion is bugged in that it reduces the damage of all pets, instead of only the primary pet. Dire Beasts/Stampede/etc are reduced as well.

The reduced primary pet damage is offset by the secondary pet damage, so it is a net DPS gain, but bad for Torghast (as you noted) due to the issues with primary pet leech healing.

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The big irony in all of this is that the second pet doesn’t even benefit from those Passive auras from the main pet.

The second pet is not affected by either the bonus Leech(Ferocity), nor the bonus health(Tenacity), nor from the bonus movement speed(Cunning).

So in short, in terms of survivability, that second pet is completely useless in all aspects but for the fact that it’s a dps increase over not picking any talent on that row. Unless your main pet dies because it’s not being healed enough from Leeched health due to you using Animal Companion. But you know…details:roll_eyes:


Speaking of Leech-healing…

Anyone recall why Leeched health to your pet is on a delay? When I myself damage a target, I get instantly healed, but for my pet it takes several seconds before it actually gets healed from leeched health.

Is it actually delayed healing, or just reporting later in combat log/floating combat text?

I don’t know the reason, but it’s been like that since BfA (when ferocity pets got leech as a passive). I assume it was probably like that even before but we didn’t have enough leech to matter before that.

It’s probably the same reason why pet autocast has delay as well. It improves performance by not having to check every millisecond. Pet feedback is probably just less important than player feedback, so that wouldn’t fly if it happened to your character. It’s likely a measure that was implemented a very long time ago back when it didn’t matter. It only became an issue because now leech is the main healing source for pets.

Yes, it’s delayed. If you pay attention your pet will get no healing for about 3 or 4 seconds, then heal to full in one tick of leech. It’s only really an issue when you pull a huge mob where you do enough cleave dps to outheal the damage, but the delay can kill your pet before it procs.

Like Khallid said, it’s delayed.

It’s easiest to see on the unitframe/pet frame. Often, your pet can perform multiple auto attacks + basic attacks + kill commands + you can see how it receives multiple Mend Pet-ticks inbetween getting a massive Leech heal, only to then go without one for…yeah, 4 seconds sounds about right.

So its batching the leech every few seconds or so.

Does that impact pet survivability in a meaningful way? I imagine batching pet heals is intended to reduce load, not much of an issue for standard BM, but for a class with lots of pets (Demo, BM with all the extra pet talents, Unholy with Army of the Dead up) it could be significant.

Well, from what I’ve noticed(mostly when doing AoE pulls in the open world or similar), if your pet reaches zero health inbetween these “batches” of leeched health, it dies. It seems to do that even with what is estimated(based on damage dealt inbetween health ticks) to be fairly large chunks of health waiting to be applied.

I’ve heard from others that for example in Torghast, the 5% heal on action anima-power(especially if stacked) can somehow allow your pet to stay alive/be revived if it dies, just because the system registers that bonus health tick. As for how this works on a mechanical level(why?), I don’t know.

But either way, this does not seem to be the case with Leech in my experience. Even if you have leeched health waiting to be applied in the next “batch”, if the pet reaches zero, it dies before that health is applied.

Is this a major issue? No, not really…most of the time…

More so, it’s a bit annoying.

My Animal Companion (talent) pet bugs out enough for me to notice in dungeons recently and will randomly stand by my side instead of attacking. It’s possible that is what’s happening to you. The only way I know to fix this is to dismiss and re-summon.

I did not know this. Thanks!