Positives of keeping abilities locked to covenants?

Only in instanced content, imo. Open world content is never challenging enough for power concerns to matter there. If you’re waffling between two covenants, but eventually choose one because it gives you a better movement ability, then why not? Or if you’re a Spike who doesn’t care at all and simply wants to have the most op ability for doing world content, then so what? That should be a viable decision, too.

I’m not saying that it’s what I want xd
Clearly if you read my whole post you’d understand I don’t see how they can really make it work.
Basicly you can’t win vs people. Call it a clever use of game mechanics.

Some do however. It’s going to have a huge impact on how the expansion is perceived. It’s one the big selling points. And if the big selling point of an expansion falls flat on its face, it won’t make the expansion look good as a whole.

Nope, general case. Sorry if I made it sound like I was ragging on you.

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One of blizz biggest problems with their balancing is the fact when something is doing better then the others they nerf it to the ground over figuring out how to bring the rest of the stuff up to par or close to par with whats doing better.


That’s the problem, for returning players - If the selling point of the expansion falls flat people will quit and all of a sudden we have another BFA population crisis for another two years.

Let’s say they return, pick a covenant they like the look at.

They are looking to improve so they check out icyveins or a class discord to find out their covenant choice is statistically the weakest possible choice for their spec and that changing is a pain in the behind, how are they going to feel? What will they do?

No worries, just making sure I guess.

By the way, did you realize that your face is a gun?

I just did.

Weeps in IS, EV, TD

I kind of feel that it’s not Blizzards faults that top end raiders feel they have to level multiple of the same class to have access to covenant abilities. Removing organic play from the game is a player choice. One that I long since stepped back from in Legion. I realized I wasn’t having fun so I just didn’t do it anymore.

I kind of see it as you either step up and game the game hard, but only if you actually like that sort of gameplay/time investment, or you step back and do heroics/Mythics with a less effective spell that you like to press.

That’s like real meta player agency. haha


Yeah, it’s a weird forum bug. All guns of this model do that. I’d fix it, but that would mean not having a mega-sized scope, and then what would be the point of that?

Be annoyed that they made the wrong choice then come to the forums and QQ with their covenant pride

Blizzard creates mythic content which pushes people/guilds to their limit, some more than others.

I’ve seen countless clips of guilds wiping on Nzoth at 0.01-0.1% health left. That would have been a covenant choice of a raider if we were in Shadowlands.

Honestly, your name makes it work.

If they fix the bug it wouldn’t be nearly as appropriate or fun.

I hope you never lose your gun face now.

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No, they would just quit playing.

You drastically overestimate the amount of people who think posting on the forums does … anything?

Yeah look it’s a fatal move their about to engage on

After everyone is done levelling and they’re all caught up the covenants will mean less and how there character is playing will mean more and that’s where the frustration will amplify

Like you can say you really like X covenant but once you see a death knight from the vampire one have a shadow step and death mist you’re going to wonder if you made the right choice

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I have friends who avoid the forums out of principle. They know its the sewers of WoW. And that Blizzard seems incapable of sending in a proper cleaning crew.

But … positives of tying abilities? The only way I can say it is a positive is if they manage hte mythical unicorn of 4 Covenants that are within a 2-4% variance of each other. Then I think it’ll be a positive as players will have to make decisions that have weight. And it’ll encourage people to be creative and find fun combos where the proper use of two different covenant abilities can let them do some crazy stuff.

In short, if they’re almost equal across the board, then it’ll encourage players to be creative and find fun uses for their Covenant abilities.

Having covenants “almost equal” when people time keys with 1-3 seconds left when pushing high keys is not good.

How much more awesome is it having people play with all 4 covenant abilities, try them out in different keys. Let people experiment. This is way more enjoyable.

Also, when i tell my guild i post on the forums they actually laugh at me this place has such a bad reputation.

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I was asked to find positives. The only way I can see locked Covenant locked abilities as a positive is if the covenants are well balanced. Otherwise, it will be a horrible nightmare.

That’s about the only way I can see it as a positive, is if they can balance things.

I’m really trying to think of ways, to answer the OP, where the locked abilities would be a positive.

If the abilities are open season, then they’ll still have to balance the abilities, lest we end up with cases like Frost DK where Breath of Sindragosa has been seen as the best choice, even if many dislike the talent. They feel forced to use that ability.

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Imagine being a 12/12M raid leader who can’t make a transmog for two copper.

People are fooling them selves if they don’t think this is going to be a problem

Right now there is an ability for rogue which will end up nerfing ourselves for pvp unless we choose to ignore it

It also means we can’t stun anything

Also all the rogue abilities deal really soft amounts of damage and do nothing other than damage

I’m pretty sure the spear that warriors get does more things than all our abilities combined, same with the demon hunters “the hunt”

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