Portals fiasco

I’ve just dinged 60 and taken the starter quests for Northrend. I take the zeppelin to Borean Tundra, the flight path to Dalaran and portal back to Org. But there’s no portal back to Northrend Dalaran from Org showing available for me. I know there’s one there because I can see it on my max level toons, so why isn’t it showing once I’ve been there at the appropriate level and portalled back?

Also, there are two 'Dalaran portal’s in Org but nothing to indicate which one is which.

Is there some method to this apparent madness or am I missing some crucial info?


They will be improving the portal rooms in the next patch. But the Dalaran portal that is part of the group of portals is the old one, the one that is on its own is the new one.

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Thank you, that at least resolves part of my confusion.

Maybe both actually. I think those new portals will unlock at the appropriate level. The downside is that they removed most portals from new dalaran. One step forward, two steps back.

Go OG, take portal to panda city, there is old Dalaran portal


Portals have not been removed from New (Legion) Dalaran, unless you mean something on the PTR?

Yea, on PTR. If not mistaken they also removed most portals in Seven stars/Two moons as well.

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Yup. They’re just nerfing old content like they’ve done in the past. Really stupid thing to do IMO.


I hate to be that cow, but that said:

Inappropriate and unapproved portal fun has been detected.

Inappropriate and unapproved portal fun has been removed.

/moo :cow:

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At level 60 there’s no portal from OG to Shrine.