Poor tailor cloth drops in dungeons

This is probably the thing “holding it back”… because I have the knowledge points.

It still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that three different quality types of weavercloth are producing the same quality spools though.

Yeah, it takes 450 skill and I have exactly 450, so you need each of the profession tools.

I’m not a big fan of them putting quality grades on each level of cloth in this expansion either, just for bag space reasons if nothing else. We have three different types of cloth, that have to be unraveled into spools, which then have to be re-woven into bolts. All of which have 3 quality levels. And then there’s the specialty cloth. All of this adds up to 30 different item slots taken up just by the basic materials for the profession.

It’s excessive.


I mean I get it, they don’t want the majority of players to craft golds… but either you use concentration or need to have maxed out profession gear (which is really hard to do for most people, even this far into the expansion) and maxed out talents. It’s a level of gating that I find… lame.

If they’re balancing things on the back end so you can’t make golds until you’ve checked off having the best possible talents and profession equipment anyways. The quality of the cloth you’re using is irrelevant until you’ve hit that final peak. Which I’m not hitting for a while… despite putting a good deal of time into professions this expansion.

Not really, they’re fairly cheap to make. And you don’t need them at max quality, the skill bonus is the same regardless.

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I didn’t realize the skill bonus was the same and probably will throw out a public crafting order for the pieces I need since the quality won’t matter. Thank you!

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This is the problem with the profession system. They’ve obscured the underpinnings with inconsistent behavior and it feels like it’s an absolute scam. Have you seen how bad jewelcrafting prospecting is?

They just can’t resist the urge to over complicate these systems with how clever they think they are. And when they do… they do it so poorly that intuitive behavior goes out the window. If I max a profession tree… I expect to be able to produce max quality consistently. Not here :crazy_face:

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Queue darkflame cleft follower dungeon, clear the first room, leave.

You get 50 follower dungeons per day. You can do them as fast as you like without getting locked out. It’s dreadfully boring, but it’s the best cloth by miles.

Not to bad, I cleared up to the first boss, 5 runs.
R1 = 40
R2 = 37
R3 = 11
R1 = 2
R2 = 1
R3 = 2
R1 = 5
R2 = 2
R3 = 5
Weavercloth Bolt:
R1 = 13
R2 = 14
R3 = 2

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So it appears its Normal and Heroic that are broken. 60 Heroics since Nov, and about 30 Normals and I got less than 10 Follower runs that took ~2mins per run. Oddly after the change to TW that brought them up to level 80 I get drops on par with Follower dungeons but they take longer to do.