Plz get new devs for holy pally

i dont mind holy power for prot even livable as holy but rest of holy changes are just plain awful. Havnt played prot srsly since wrath but feel i have to now with how bad holy feels. Considering i have every healing class and have healed for 10+ yrs as mains just wanted to let u know my feelings


holy paladin feels like two different playstyles crudely stitched together to form some sort of weird ‘melee but you’re still a caster’ playstyle, they really need to either go all in on hpally being a melee healer or go all in on a traditional caster healer because right now it feels AWFUL


blizz should go all in for the Melee healer playstyle because all other healer class are already range healers; because they are trying to please both group its creating this stupid mess we have now for the class.

I don’t mind holy power for holy, its great but holy needs more abilities to generate holy power; a simple solution to this problem would be to make consecration generate 1 holy power & add a HoT on allies that step into it & any1 heal within the radius causes the pally to generate 1 holy power or 1 additional holy power. This will keep pally being a melee healer while generating holy power faster.

another but some more fixes to the class like these ideas of mine would make holy actually play like a melee healer, but it would likely have to be done in the next expansion so its hard to test it now.

if anything they should introduce a 4th spec for pally, something like Virtue that is a Bow/Crossbow weapon focus healer; pretty much what the Priestess of Elunes are, plate wearing healers with bows. This will fit the pally fantasy more than a pally that just sit back like a priest to heal, this way they are a range healer but can do range dmg as well to support dmg a bit.


to me its the whole package, every single talent and spell change was for the worse. i understand they were super powerful in bfa, i mained resto druid and alt mained h pally, which is basically same i have played since cata onwards. the changes to wings feels awful and infusion. But most of all is amount of different spells and abilties count how many heals we have if u include prism and add bops and stuff and the amount of key combos i have to make in healbot is crazy compared to any other healing class compared to prot i cant even fill my main bars they have no abilites lol. bfa playstyle was fun agreed bit overpowered all it needed was tuning. dont even want to mention pvp

For me I dont really care about how powerful the spec is; but more of how fun the gameplay is, I like that Holy took more skills to play, that the player has to think like how the fantasy of the class would of being a fighter that support & heal his/her allies. So the player have to think like a melee dps to avoid stuff while supporting their allies. Not every healer should be the same to play with simply just having different animations, the problem with the game right now is the result of trying to make all dps play the same, & all healers play the same. The only role that actually have unique classes from each other are the tanks.

The only issue with the holy is blizz keeps on buffing their hard cast heals, when the only hard cast heal should be flash of light at 1.5 sec cast with high mana cost as their emergency heal while every other heal is provided through instant cast or their melee attacks & auto attacks. having to use a 2.5 sec cast to heal while trying to avoid things is stupid game design.

I’d just prefer they give us the priest treatment. Give us 2 healing specs. 1 as a ranged healer and another that heals via dps like holy and disc respectively. This middle of the road crap is only upsetting everyone.

Or instead of a second healing spec they could just make it into a stance. Remember when MW had crane stance in MoP? Give us something like that.


God I miss MW stances. What a good, good system killed dead for no reason.

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honestly they just need to make glimmer the range spec and Avenging crusader the melee spec and work from there. this hybrid BS feels like crap.


This is the worst part about it right now. If they could just make a decision about what exactly we are supposed to be and build us around it, that would be all I would ask at this point.

…and remove the cost on CS.

Get new devs for all Paladins while you’re at it.