Plunderstorm is the worst idea for a retail patch

LOL love this imagine making a mmo patch and it comes out as a BR. devs lost their minds.


This is probably the best patch since mythic+ was released in Legion. Its quick matches, and fun for a limited event. They should def keep it. Not only has it brought people back to wow to play, but its an exciting game mode instead of the normal quest grind we get. Lets actually give blizzard props for good content, and hope it sticks

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lets not encourage them gating mmo rewards behind a BR game. if you want to play a BR game, play a BR game. i dont want to play it and shouldnt have rewards hidden behind it.


I think there is an easy solution to your problem. Don’t play it. We already have pokemon(pet battles) bgs, and raiding. This content is actually good, and the best part is, if you don’t like it don’t play it. I would rather you utilize your 15 dollars on content you enjoy. This is good content though.

It’s not good. Your opinion does not make it fact.

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It is good. Its fresh, it has quick matches, and its a cool game mode. Hearthstone is a good game, classic is a cool game, wrath classic is a cool game, retail is a cool game, and plunderstorm is a cool game. thanks

i think the main point of contention is that it’s not, in fact, good WoW content. objectively it can be called content, maybe, but it’s a completely different game than wow. i mean, if the standard for the wow, billed as an mmorpg, is now “anything under the umbrella of the game is acceptable”, then where does it stop? at least previous toe dips into fleshing the game out like mini games, pet battles, etc., were couched in the world and encouraged interaction within the world itself. Plunderstorm is just some separate frantic s*itshow all on its lonesome with insignificant ties to the rest of the game. i mean, at this point they’ve given up the ship and showed that they’re just gonna mash a bunch of stuff together and folks will eat it up no matter what. maybe the next “mode” is gonna be a CoD clone, who knows? whateveer the end result will be, i doubt very much it’ll be “wow” any more than this newest thing is. i think, if anything, this newest experiment by blizz shows that they don’t have any idea what kind of game they’re making anymore, and a large part of the player base doesn’t care, lol


But we already have exceptions to other than mmo content. We have pet battles, and arenas, which is not massive multiplayer online gaming, like dungeons. The only content that has massive players is raid and bgs, but for content this is really fun. You can be mad they didn’t make regular ingame content, but that’s a different thread than plunderstorm sucks, its a why didnt we get regular content thread

literally everything you’ve described are separate games on their own, with the exception of plunderstorm, which was billed as a patch to an existing game but in actuality operates outside the game it was announced to patch. whether you think its cool is immaterial. i love that journey for you - im happy for you to go play it when blizzard takes the data they’ve collected here and ends up making whatever they’re going to make a la arclight rumble or HoTS. but to say its wow content is just as misleading as blizz was when they dropped this garbage bag on us.

Ok well if what you say is true, than this thread should be renamed plunderstorm is not retail wow content, and say its a fun game, but i would rather have had a real retail patch and this be releases as seperate content during season 4 or soemthing

see heres another mistake youre making. this was patch 10.2.6 of retail. no one is saying that they shouldnt make BR games. it just shouldnt be a 10.2.6 retail wow patch. it’s like 10.2.7 being starcraft 3, would that make sense? no? exactly what we’re saying.


I just said that in my previous post

well im glad you agree with us then.

arenas aren’t an exception to mmorpgs - they’re pvp, using the characters you’ve made in the game and directly integrated into the game. it’s a facet of the existing game expanding on a pre-existing part of it. although, i would say that arenas were a mistake, and created solely for the sake of marketing wow as an esport, even if they are arguably organic to the game. their creation, if anything, was the toe in the door that at least partly may have lead us to the point we’re at now with plunderstorm.

pet battles are also integrated organically into the game - they encourage and allow you to interact with the world around you, as well as socially with other players. quest lines have been developed around them, and pets are offered as quest rewards where they would logically fit into the applicable quest narratives.

this plunderstorm nonsense is none of that. it doesn’t encourage social interaction. it’s not within and a part of the game itself. it’s a separate, other game that’s been stapled on to the face of wow and we’re being told to accept it, which is silly.

Its not forced, you can just pve if you want and still collect quite a lot of plunder, you’ll just die at some point.

if you hit escape, you can keybind what you want where you want. Character controls just like any other one would.

if there’s one thing I am happy about, It’s that you aren’t a game dev. You ooze with brain rot.

dont simp so hard blizzard doesnt care who you are.


I didn’t agree that plunderstorm isn’t great. It literally is addciting fun. I said your threat is incorrect. It should read we want a real patch for retail wow or soemthing like that. Instead of complaining about the game mode and saying it sucks, instead make an argument of what kind of patch you were hoping for besides thier usual patches of this questline for the next season thats 10 quests long and gives you no reward. This is pretty great compared to what we usually get.

What’s worse is the streamers are all playing it, meaning the weirdos are, meaning that there’s probably like 10-20% of the retail peeps playing it, which means they’ll be releasing maps, modes, survival games, concerts soon enough.
Hmm… Tell me when Megan The Stallion or that other chick… what’s her name… What’s her name well whatever, tell me when they’re in WOW.

Agreed. Lets hope they do release new maps and make it a permanent a part of the game.

Their greed for time played metrics is taking new heights. Hopefully war within wont waste my time like shadowland did with 30min flight paths between zones, huge system grinds and no mounts in the maw type of constraints. Or like dragonflights pirate battle royale gimmick designed to waste as much time as possible

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