Plunderstorm is now available in this region!

Plorm delay

maybe dont tie pluderstorm in with the main game…lets see how well it does without rewards in retail.

it would be a dead game mode without the wow rewards attached to it. 100%


Not true at all I know alot of people that wont play it because it tied to a wow sub… I for one also wont be playing it for wow rewards as I dont care about them im just playing for the game mode.

Unbreak my heartttt.

So sad rn.

Need me some plunderstorm.

and plunderstorm is part of wow, just because you dont like it doesnt mean its not wow, nobody is forcing you to do it either

i know entire guilds that play it for the rewards, they dont play it because they enjoy it in fact most of them hate pvp in general let alone a br. hence why people just get there stuff then suicide

Offers up a resounding “meh”. Good job.

Break out the Champagne boys! We won! For a little while sure but NO PLUNDERSTORM WOOT!

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pandas pirates and pvp :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :melting_face:

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Blunderstorm strikes again!

I’d play plunder as my main game if it was an actual mode. Retail is terrible atm, and has been for a long time…

I’m playing older expansions right now and having a lot of fun. :slight_smile: Just completed Eastern Kingdoms mastery, now off to continue Kalimdor in Desolace! :wink:

I’m ready to plunder. Where my plunder at?


I need to plunder some booty right now please.


good thing you dont have tp play plunder huh

Blubberstorm hype!

youre talking about the minority of the player base (guilds) and if it was f2p it would make it an even smaller minority.

Thanks for the information.

Still nothing…