Plunderstorm - is it canon?

At some point you just have to use common sense on what is canon as far as lore and IC Roleplay is concerned and what is just a game mechanic.

Is killing the same Dungeon Boss over and over again canon?
Mounts appearing out of nowhere?
The Jailer and Shadowlands?

Some things you just have to realize aren’t meant to be in character and are just attempts at game mechanics in a video game.

Arr there sky rats in the air, loaf foot? Lemme spell it out for anyone one else who don’t speak plunderin’!

Pirates ARR the cannons!



*Fans self. *

Cata Ragnaros, sobbing and crawling away from his boss platform

“C-come on man, it’s only been seven days…”

Me, approaching menacingly

Where is my Pureblood Fire Hawk?!


I’ve always, when people try to roleplay it, treat it as a Bronze Dragon event.

It is just us going back in time on their behalf to do the thing because the Real True Ackshual Heroes did something stupid and so the jobbers have to step in again to keep things running smoothly.

Also, Bronze Dragons trapping Garrosh in a time loop as revenge for all the stuff he did at the Trial, ie to allow random adventurers to keep beating the cheeks off of him until they got to the one version of the timeline where his shoulders didn’t break due to Sha-ification and thus could be looted, is one of my fondly-remembered head-canons.

Just imagining Chromie, Nozdormu and a handful of other Bronzes perched on the edges of the arena, massive buckets of popcorn in hand, watching the Honster Mumpers Loot-Crazed Murder-Hobos Florida People One True Champion of Azeroth Players make this face

As they’re about to perform yet another DIY Colonoscopy on Garrosh, without gloves, lube or license.

So thousands maybe millions of these bronze dragon events happen all day and every day by so many characters in the Azeroth world?

Again…just seems silly to RP certain things that are meant to just be game mechanics as IC.

I think he just means “when they try to rp it” not that every in game instance across the planet of running dungeons and raids.

Oh, you’d get extra points for RPing in plunderstorm.

It used to be that RPing in a battleground was the height of achievement.

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I mean, back in the day when the Infinite Flight first got introduced, I knew of one Guild who literally ran on being mercenaries, criminals and ne’er-do-wells who were all recruited by the Bronze Flight to ‘fix’ minor events in history in return for the one event in their life they truly regretted being ‘fixed’ or made less severe, because the Leaders’ take on Dungeons, Raids and Battlegrounds was that the Infinites were actively ‘restarting’ events trying to get a favorable outcome, and their job was to make sure it did not happen.

Is it silly to imagine every single Dungeon Run is in character? Yes. But damn, did they make it work. And the commentary after running the Stockades yet again and asking if Gnolls and Pick-Pockets were really the threat the Infinites thought they were was always amusing.

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God, I miss Wrath-era Wintergrasp. We had proper factions back then. With identifiable champions that you’d freak out to see on the battlefield on either side.


I mean the idea of pirate crews having a once a year battle royale/hunger games event that serves as the medium for settling their disputes between factions in lieu of all out war with each other seems pretty badass to me. :thinking:

I remember the calls for Thane and other members of Against all Odds to be KoS and just being in awe how they just wouldn’t die even if focus fired. And didn’t someone RP as the Overlord of Wintersgrasp?


That was Kiethoo. Last seen about 6 months ago.


It’s canon to me because having a bunch of pirates running around and killing each other in a zone that was a literal war zone just a few years ago is frankly hilarious.

its only canon if you like plundering dude booty

So its canon then, is what you’re saying.

maybe Arathis resources were depleted after the Warfront. So much so that bands of pirates have been making deep inland excursions

← I made it canon.

<3 Sef


How on Earth was that name not already taken??? Lmaooooo.


I mean, that’s kind of genius when you think about it.

Those iron and gold mines are mostly expended. There’s only really farming, forestry and animal husbandry left to support the region economically, unless some new deposits are found. Nobody’s going to think twice about a bunch of farmers hauled a cart of barrels and battered old chests around if they claim they’re part of the resettlement, especially if they happen to share a ‘dropped’ barrel of ale with some thirsty soldiers and make a good impression before wandering off to where the treasure is buried, or is to be buried.

A smart pirate captain like Plunderlord Kegleg is probably counting on that, to hide his treasure in plain sight, under the barns and pig-pens of the new farms being built, safe for him and his crew to go and dig up, pretending to be more simple farm-hands, whenever he needs the extra wealth, and it also makes sure anyone who raids his island or attacks his ships can’t get everything he’s got. And best of all, if anyone does go running in with a treasure map, if they’re not Alliance-aligned, the Stromgarde army is going to be on them like flies on :poop:, and if they are Alliance-aligned races, nobody’s going to give them a second look so long as they play the role of simple labourers and farm-hands, or ex-mercenaries looking for a calmer life.

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I got it on my OCE server, was probably snagged in seconds on MG and WrA by some name baron :smiley:

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