Plunderstorm is here

Once you’ve had a chance to play a few rounds of Plunderstorm, let us know your thoughts here!


First attempt feedback:

The UI is not initially intuitive.

Why is my action bar like that of, well it looks like Diablo 3/4? This is not an intutiive action bar for WoW, as even most replacement action bars within the game still utilize the 1, 2, 3 4 buttons. This is now repalced with my default actions being “R and T”. Which is not intuitive in WoW at all.


Interesting, but man, it just doesn’t fit into this game in my opinion. I don’t really like that its purely PvP. Especially given all of the rewards tied behind it, and the amount of PvP a player must now do just to try to get them is… rather absurd.

This would be a fun event to do if it had a more PvE mentality to it. But this, This is not it. or provided players a way to interact with it beyond “Oh, heres a player… Time to die.” As some players seem to be really into this, and get it really well… While I just… Honestly do not. Do I want the rewards in it, yes. So will I now have to “suffer” thru this event… Entirely yes.

I wish it was actually using my players character. The one I’ve spent over a decade playing. Instead I have to try to remake her, as I couldn’t even port over her appearance to this event.

I wish there was more of a tutorial to this instead of “Just jump in, and hope you’re good on the pickup.” Especially if this is supposed to go anywhere, if this is a new something you’re trying to cook up in the background and this is your “Limited time event but not really we were testing this out and yeah we’re going forward with it.” type thing.


Is your character tied to whatever game is currently being played until it finishes before you’re allowed to try another? I died very early in a second game, as well, like stated this is not for me but I am going to slog thru it for the rewards. bringing back what I stated yesterday of having events that force players to do things that they’re not liking is not a good way

What is even going on? What is this? What storm is randomly coming in? Why are all these pirates fighting over nothing in the middle of Arathi basin? What quests is this UI talking about to gain more renown? What is this waiting area it speaks about? The one where everyone can attack you before the event truly starts? Cause I can’t even do anything with my character while staring at this greyed out “Join game” button.

Edit 2:

After playing a few more matches… It just, how does one even gain renown for this? How does one “Revive a dead pirate” or whatever since that’s apparently one of the “quests” that appears when you’re actually inside a game. I apparently have 2.4k plunder, with nothing to do with it. Talked to that “Da’kash Grimledger” guy to note that he only offers me… “Changing my sword to a dagger” or Changing my ttitle to the same one it already is, and then aasking him “Why are you the guy?”

This seems like a very very very NICHE game style and game play. There needs to be further information on this provided IN GAME. Why must I always go to WowHead just to figure out how to do things with in this game? Every. Single. Time.

I wish they’d try to do these experiments without the rewards. This provides very false metrics. How many players are like myself, who don’t like this event, yet are doing it anyways just to get the rewards tied to it.


Have you played Fortnite, Apex, PubG, or things along those lines? I assume the storm is similar in that it will constrict and force players together over time. This keeps players from hiding on the edge of the map and drawing things out forever. It’s simply a mechanic make the game progress.


Watching this beforehand would’ve helped you.

Get Ready for the Plunderstorm | WoWCast (

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I have played that game maybe once. Didn’t understand it. Why it existed beyond just a “Go shoot-em-up and somehow build things” game.

Like I stated in my edit above, this Plunderstorm definitely seems to be built to a very NICHE group of people. It’s definitely not for everyone. Yet, like everything in WoW and being a “Limited Time event” they put things that are cosmetically awesome to have… So here I am. Sloggin thru. Trying to figure out how to even do this.


Thank you for providing that, however the point of “In-game” still stands. A player shouldnt have to go watch a 12 minute youtube commentary video to figure out how to do this event.


I know, I’m just saying for context.


This is my first time playing a battle royale style game and here are my thoughts so far:


  • It is something new and I do like that there is experimenting with new things especially in a near 20 year old game
  • It being its own thing is neat in the sense that anyone can play it regardless of classic or retail
  • Class balance doesn’t matter and everyone is on an even playing field

Overall had fun with it with the time I played. I felt it was confusing for the first couple minutes but it becomes clear quickly how to play through & do the objectives. I think it is an interesting concept on paper to use WoW for alternative game modes and other types of games could work.

There are some cons but they do not have to deal with the game mode itself. It has more to do with the time availability of the event and the reward structure both of which seem to fly in the face of previous feedback. The time availability isn’t really evergreen content which is something that was emphasized last Blizzcon. A few weeks seems short.

The reward structure is extremely grindy in terms of reputation and I am confused why there needs to be one to begin with. If the game mode is fun it should be able to stand on its own two feet. At most it should have been a reward for trying like 5 games out or something similar to getting the proto-drake mount in retail if you did the DK starting zone in classic. The rewards from the game should be for the game itself. Fancy cosmetics for the Plunderstorm server like cosmetic armor to stand out from other players.

The time availability of the event makes it the rewards feel FOMO and that players need to do it before the rewards go away. This makes me worry that a lot of players engaging in this content might be misconstrued as players wanting it. Not to say the game mode is bad, but players doing something for a FOMO event should not be counted as engagement for a game mode. It kind of reminded me of pet dungeons and they kept getting added because people were doing them but they were being done because, well, pet collectors want to get the rewards (pets in this instance).

Also one other con is I expected more of a naval theme when pirates were mentioned. I like the pre-game lobby area but Arathi doesn’t really have a pirate vibe to it. Also hope for more water/boats in general.


Cons pretty much what everyone has already stated. However, I am having a lot of fun. This isn’t my favorite style game but I am enjoying myself a lot. Haven’t laughed this hard in a minute. I really enjoy the battles.

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After playing a few matches, I don’t know how I’m supposed to progress the rewards track. It’s not easily discernable if it’s the Rep or the Plunder that progresses it.

I also do not like that we’re not even getting a consolation prize for participating. 0 rep 0 reward track progress if we die without I guess collecting any plunder or EXP.

Edit: Another thing that’s frustrating is it’s hard to tell how much renown you have til next level unless you join a match. I feel there needs to be a XXXX/2500 tracker on the character page or at least make it so we can check in retail.

Some of my fellows in CC also wonder if we queue in duos if we share the plunder or is it individual based?


The 4 to 5 rounds per renown is not really what is happening. I figure that the plunder being your rep is to keep people from afking, but it makes it hard to up your renown when people have learnt how to queue via the old arena trick their friends in with them to create murder squads.

It also feels weird how it zones you straight into spectator mode. It be more helpful if on death you have options reque\leave match \ spectator mode \ exit game. I rather queue up quick to get my renown as fast as possible then wait for loading screens.


As another form of feedback on this event…

Can we please go away from super secret events that don’t see the light of day until released? How much of this current, bad looking on the event, feedback would have been addressed and possibly fixed thru a PTR?

Public Testing is good. It’s beneficial. It saves this game more often than not by providing critical feedback while still in a “beta” phase.

Instead of these 2 current events, where its a “Live Beta Testing”.


I’ve played a few more games and it is definitely fun and nice break from other WoW content. I want to iterate more on my previous feedback, time limited rewards is bad but the game mode has a lot of merit.

I hope to see this expanded. That vampire survivors thing datamined has me excited. Hope another try at the rogue-style game that that isn’t Torghast (people have too many bad memories of soul ash) because games like Hades can be fun.

Also on the game mode itself the Steel Traps ability needs more of a delay before all the traps are set down there is not enough time to react or counter-play to it.

Edit: Fire Whirl seems too strong it should slow the player mode when it is being used. The combination of damage and mobility is strong.

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First thoughts is I do wish the “leader” was the flyer always and the parrot had just a tiny bit more control over the parrot because it FEELS kinda underresponsive. I also would request a ping sound when someone invites you because it is very unclear. Also perhaps remove said invite if the person queues or else it breaks the game for both players.


I placed in the 20’s in two matches in Duos and barely got any Rep. This is absolutely terrible design. I am of the belief there should be participation rewards as well as rewards granted based on your rank.

To add on to this: I just placed #15 in a solo match and I got a grand total of less than 600 rep. Someone else in the CC played a total of 1 match and I believe got 1 renown level in that single match.

People are being forced to play this game mode for rewards that should be more easily obtainable given this is a time limited event. It is an extremely “Not for everyone” game mode banking on the hype of games like Fortnite that did not warrant this much secrecy.

I’m going to try to force myself to do this event because I want the rewards but I am not going to enjoy it.


Same friend. Same.

What a crap boat this places us in. Up a creek, without a paddle.

Edit: That boat remark… definitely an unintentional reference to the event… of pirates… Lol


It also provides a false metric as someone said that “Oh people are participating! It must mean our idea is a success!” when it is far from the truth.

Small Edit to show how bonkers this rep system is.

I stated earlier that I hit #15 and got between 500-600 rep. Friend just placed #9 and got between 400-500 rep. I will reiterate: Participation Rep on top of Rep you gain in the match with bonus rep on your final rank.


I don’t know if this has been said but how the hell can I land and immediately get engaged by someone who already has two abilities? Like literally within 5 seconds of landing.

Edit: Seems like the fast way is to land on an elite, killing it instantly and getting the guaranteed power, and then getting a good rng drop from the first few non-elites.


There’s some stuff in the lobby area that gives abilities like chests in random spots before they sent you to the main area

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It is supposed to be removed though before the round begins.


Oh, well that is a bug that must be fixed then I’ve had the hunter chain ability in lobby and it continued into the main match